Phase 2 | All Church Update

June 5, 2020

Dear Church,

I want to express my appreciation of your collective efforts to honor the social distancing guidelines as we all work to mitigate the impact of this pandemic. It seems Oregon has done a good job adjusting to the necessary changes and has been spared a potentially more deadly outcome.

As Oregon continues a path toward returning to our new normal, I want to update you with regard to the physical gatherings of our Sunday evening services.

Oregon Governor Kate Brown recently announced that Lane County is approved to enter Phase 2 of the reopening efforts at this stage of the pandemic. The restrictions summarized as part of Phase 2 include individual, social, civic and faith-based gatherings to be limited to 50 people indoors and 100 outdoors. It is highly possible that Oregon will be at Phase 2 through the summer and maybe even the Fall.

Essentially we are still encouraged to maintain social distancing measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 and it is strongly recommended that when in public gatherings all wear face coverings to protect you and others.

In preparation for Phase 2, last week I met with our CitySalt ministry leaders to discuss the consideration of returning to physical gatherings at The Box. Our discussion was guided by recent recommendations from our Foursquare President-Elect, Randy Remington, that aimed to help church leaders as they wrestle with when to reopen their buildings. He suggested the following considerations and questions and we have prayerfully taken them to heart:


What is our context?

  • What is the tone and values of our community?

  • How do we love and honor our neighbors and not do things that compromise our witness?

What are the existing polarities?

  • How can we honor differing opinions and views on the pandemic? (ie. masks, social distancing and pandemic importance)

  • How do we consider those with compromised health or concerns?


  1. Is it permissible?
    (State/County/City policy). Under Phase 2 it is permissible for our church to gather physically if we practice social distancing with under 50 people indoors and under 100 people outdoors.

  2. Is it ethical?
    Even if it is technically possible and permissible, does it violate a value for life and the welfare of others?

  3. Is it missional?
    Can we continue to be a people “on mission” even though we don’t gather for a weekly worship service for a while? Since love is our mission, it seems that we are free to continue to be the Body of Christ “on Mission” in many creative ways.

  4. Is it practical?

  • Do we want to gather if it requires social distancing and likely requires a mask?

  • What about handshakes or hugs? What about singing?

  • Are the required cleaning and disinfecting protocols reasonable?

  • Is our congregation ready to gather physically again?

  • How would we protect our Kids Ministry volunteers?

  • What about other groups using The Box before us?

After prayerfully considering all the above, our team decided not to resume physical gatherings at The Box at this time. We believe this step aligns us with public health recommendations and supports a larger collective effort to minimize the potential spread and protect our most vulnerable citizens.

In the meantime, I believe we can individually and collectively explore new and creative alternatives that can be a source of encouragement and fellowship with those we share life and faith with.

I also invite you to continue participation in the following:

  • Join us on June 9th for a CitySalt day of Prayer and Fasting.

  • Small Groups: Consider forming a small group fellowship, bible study, or Triad with some people you like or want to get to know better. Take the initiative.

  • Be Spiritually Aware: Be discerning, creative, and engaged. If God puts someone or something on your heart, maybe He is asking you to initiate something that normally you would expect “the Church” to do. Now is the time for us to be the church scattered rather than simply the church gathered.

  • Personal Devotion: Allow this time to try and practice spiritual disciplines and traditions like Sabbath-keeping, stillness, solitude, silence, rest, devotional reading, and prayer while providing loving care for loved ones, neighbors, and co-workers. Try a new book, podcast, or video series.

  • Check out our live stream service on Sundays each week at @ 5:30pm for a time of connection and encouragement with pastors, leaders, friends, and guests. Feel free to share our live stream services with friends and loved ones by viewing and interacting through Facebook, YouTube or from our CitySalt Homepage at

  • Pre-Service Zoom Fellowship @ 4:30pm. Join us each Sunday (before our live stream service) for an all-church Zoom Fellowship. This is a pre-service video conference using Zoom that allows households to connect and interact together online. To participate you will need to download and set up the Zoom App on a phone, tablet, or laptop that has a camera and has a strong internet connection. Once you are set up, you can join the group video session, at 4:30pm each Sunday. Link can be found on our Upcoming page.

  • Benevolence Fund - To help with financial needs that will arise for individuals and families as this health crisis impacts our economy, in addition to your regular giving to support CitySalt, you can make a tax-deductible contribution specifically to our Benevolence Fund, that is dedicated to providing assistance to those with practical needs. To make an online contribution, you can visit Or, if you prefer to write a check it can be mailed to CitySalt Church PO Box 5830 Eugene, OR 97405.

In addition to the above, we will be looking for some creative ways to encourage fellowship and learning that may include outdoor gathering, small groups, bible studies and book discussions.

Also, if you have any questions or would like to request a meeting with a pastor, please feel free to contact Mike D’Eliso at (541) 632-4182 or and he can help you get connected.

Thank you for your support and diligence through this unique time and season.

Together in His Grip,

Pastor Dusty

Community Prayer Guide | June 2020

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide June 2020

Pray and proclaim God’s word as you pray for our community:

Summon your power, God; show us your strength, our God, as you have done before.
Psalm 68:28

Pray the requests and Scriptures in each of the sectors below.

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. Ephesians 3:16-17
Pray for pastors, ministry leaders and their leadership teams to have God’s wisdom, joy and strength.
Pray for God’s love to empower His people to live like Christ and share His love.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out on our entire community to draw people to follow Jesus.

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52
Pray for educators to have rest, rejuvenation, and creative ideas for next school year during summer break.
Pray for isolated students and families to have meaningful connections and support throughout the summer.
Pray for education leaders to have creativity and wisdom to lead schools and families.
Pray for God’s innovation for Project Hope and His provision for supplies to meet many families’ needs.

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17
Pray for the financial stability and wise stewardship over local governments to govern diligently.
Pray for the Lord’s wisdom to be given to national, state, county and city leaders.
Pray for newly elected local government leaders to have God’s grace and wisdom as they begin to serve.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Pray for local business leaders to have perseverance, wisdom and hope to navigate reopening.
Pray for local businesses to rebuild, rehire employees and become profitable again.
Pray for God to raise up business advocates and coaches to support and strengthen business leaders.

They made a curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen, with cherubim woven into it by a skilled worker. Exodus 36:35
Pray for the Lane Arts Guild to be funded and for God’s provision for local theaters and art galleries.
Pray for Jesus-following artists to have strength and joy to bring encouragement to our community.
Pray for the Lord’s hand to be upon all forms of local art to extend Jesus’ love & impact people for the gospel.

Husbands love your wives, just like Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Ephesians 5:25
Pray for peace over every home that balances work, school and family all together.
Pray for families to engage in new healthy activities and relationships that strengthen families.
Pray for families to be surrounded with peace, wisdom, and support systems.

Health Care
And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick. Luke 5:17
Pray for local health care leaders to collaborate with each other and have God’s wisdom in their decisions.
Pray for health care providers (HCPs) to have God’s wisdom, strength and health as they care for people.
Pray for HCPs to bring God’s peace into every healing interaction with others.

Police and Fire Departments
For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. Romans 13:4
Pray that all First Responders will be “ambassadors of peace” and then bring peace to every situation.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for the wholistic health of our First Responders & families including their spiritual & emotional protection.

And the news about him spread throughout the surrounding area. Luke 4:37
Pray for hope filled stories to be highlighted in all local media.
Pray for genuine God-transformation stories to be broadcast and celebrated locally.
Pray for local media leaders to have clear vision to bring fair and accurate reporting through all types of media.

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8
Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom for the UO/PAC 12 leadership to navigate restarting college athletics.
Pray for the Lord’s creative strategies for all who oversee youth sports: Kid Sports, YMCA, and others.
Pray for all local athletes to see Jesus and their lives in light of eternity through this and every season.

Find answers to prayer on our website:

Community Prayer Guide | May 2020

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide May 2020

Pray and proclaim God’s word as you pray for our community:

And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive,
and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace.
Jeremiah 29:7

Pray the requests and Scriptures in each of the sectors below.

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. Ephesians 3:16-17
Pray for pastors, ministry leaders and their leadership teams to have God’s wisdom and direction to lead.
Pray for God’s love to empower His people to live like Christ in this season of challenges and share His love.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured-out on our entire community to draw people to follow Jesus.

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52
Pray for grace, wisdom, healthy self-care, as educators adjust to providing distance learning from their homes.
Pray for all barriers to be removed that isolate vulnerable students and families.
Pray for great synergy and effectiveness as groups and churches provide support to educators in this season, that new partnerships develop and remain in place after this time.

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17
Pray for the financial stability and wise stewardship over local governments to govern diligently.
Pray for the Lord’s wisdom to be given to national, state, county and city leaders.
Pray for God to guide local elections in May that include county commissioners, city counselors & sheriff.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Pray for local business leaders to have perseverance, patience and hope for a rebuilding season.
Pray for local businesses to rebuild, rehire employees and become profitable again.
Pray for business leaders to have fresh vision and creative innovation to chart a new course forward.

They made a curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen, with cherubim woven into it by a skilled worker. Exodus 36:35
Pray for all artists to search for and find eternal life in Jesus.
Pray for Jesus-following artists to have strength and joy to bring encouragement to our community.
Pray for the Lord’s hand to be upon all forms of local art to extend Jesus’ love & impact people for the gospel.

Husbands love your wives, just like Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Ephesians 5:25
Pray for peace over every home that balances work, school and family all together.
Pray for families to engage in new healthy activities and relationships that strengthen families.
Pray for families to be surrounded with peace, wisdom, and support systems.

Health Care
And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick. Luke 5:17
Pray for peace, protection and God’s blessing on all local health care workers and their families.
Pray for God to heal people who become sick with any illness or disease.
Pray for health care providers to have God’s wisdom, strength and health as they care for people.

Police and Fire Departments
For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. Romans 13:4
Pray that all First Responders will be “ambassadors of peace” and then bring peace to every situation.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for the wholistic health of our First Responders & families including their spiritual emotional protection.

And the news about him spread throughout the surrounding area. Luke 4:37
Pray for hope filled stories to be highlighted in all local media.
Pray for genuine God-transformation stories to be broadcast and celebrated locally.
Pray for local media leaders to have clear vision to bring fair and accurate reporting through all types of media.

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8
Pray for the Lord’s creative strategies for all who oversee youth sports: Kid Sports, YMCA, and others.
Pray for the healthy re-engaging of youth sports activities after this season passes.
Pray for all local athletes to see Jesus and their lives in light of eternity through this, and every season.

Find answers to prayer on our website:

Community Prayer Guide | April 2020

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide April 2020

Pray and proclaim the Lord’s blessing over our entire community:

The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26

Pray the requests and Scriptures in each of the sectors below.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Pray for God’s wisdom and love to empower His people to live like Christ in this season of challenges.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured-out on our entire community to draw people to follow Jesus.

And he (Jesus) took the children in his arms, placed His hands on them and blessed them. Mark 10:16

Pray for superintendents, teachers and staff to provide care for students in this unique season.
Pray for all students to be protected and have access to food and services.

I urge then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Pray for the Lord’s wisdom to be given to national, state, county and city leaders.
Pray for God to guide local elections in May that include county commissioners, city counselors & sheriff.

She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night. Proverbs 31:16-18

Pray for local businesses to rebuild, rehire employees and become profitable again.
Pray for business leaders to have renewed vision, strength and wisdom to chart a new course forward.

They made a curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen, with cherubim woven into it by a skilled worker. Exodus 36:35

Pray for all artists to search for and find eternal life in Jesus.
Pray for the Lord’s hand to be upon all forms of local art to extend Jesus’ love & impact people for the gospel.

Husbands love your wives, just like Christ love the church and gave himself up for her. Ephesians 5:25
He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents. Malachi 4:6

Pray for families to engage in new healthy activities and relationships that strengthen families.
Pray for families to be surrounded with peace, wisdom, and support systems.

Health Care
Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. Matthew 10:1

Pray for God to heal people who become sick with any illness or disease.
Pray for health care providers to have God’s wisdom, strength and health as they care for people.

Police and Fire Departments
For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. Romans 13:4

Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for the wholistic health of our First Responders including their spiritual and emotional protection.

And the news about him spread throughout the surrounding area. Luke 4:37

Pray for genuine God-transformation stories to be broadcast and celebrated locally.
Pray for local media leaders to have clear vision to bring fair and accurate reporting through all types of media.

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 1 Corinthians 9:24

Pray for the healthy re-engaging of youth sports activities after this season passes.
Pray for all local athletes to see Jesus and their lives in light of eternity through this, and every season.

Find answers to prayer on our website:

Staying Connected with CitySalt

While honoring the stay-at-home recommendations, we are continuing efforts to explore online resources to avoid social isolation and connect regularly throughout this unique season. Each Sunday we have two ways for us to gather and participate: A Pre-Service Zoom Fellowship, and our CitySalt Live stream Service.

Pre-Service Zoom Fellowship @ 4:30pm

Join us each Sunday before our live stream service for an all church Zoom Fellowship. This is a pre-service video conference for households to connect and interact online.

To participate you will need to download and set up the Zoom App. on a phone, tablet or laptop that has a camera and has a strong internet connection. Once you are set up, you can join the group video session, by simply clicking on the button below at 4:30pm on Sunday.

Here are the details:

  • Choose Your Device: You can use a computer, phone or tablet and a good internet connection, download the Zoom app (see instructions). Be sure your battery is charged. You may want to practice setting up your camera with a view you prefer to share from your location. Feel free to be creative.

  • Consider Lighting and Sound: Choose a well lit area with little or no background noise.

  • Click on The Zoom Link: When you are ready, click the provided web link (see options for access below) to join the group video conference. To see a small picture of all participating households select “Gallery View”.

Live Stream Service @ 5:30pm

Following a short break, we will broadcast our CitySalt Live Stream service at 5:30pm for a 45-60 minute time of connection and encouragement with pastors, leaders, friends and guests.

Access our live broadcast in the following ways:

CitySalt Home Page:
Here you will find a direct connection to our CitySalt Live Stream that will also be simultaneously broadcast to Facebook Live and YouTube Live. This is also where you will find available recordings of past Live Stream services.

CitySalt Facebook Page:
If you have a Facebook account, you can “like” or “follow” CitySalt and have access to the Live Broadcast. You can then watch, share, create watch parties with your friends and give you the ability to interact with us and others on Facebook during the broadcast.

CitySalt YouTube Channel:
You can also find us on our YouTube Live Channel. Once you find our channel if you have a YouTube account you will be able to “subscribe” which will let us know you are there and gives you the ability to interact with us and others with chat during the broadcast.

Prayer, Giving and Connections…

We all may experience waves of emotion as we grieve the loss of what we knew as normal and constantly adjust to uncertainty regarding the health and economic impact of this pandemic. This will likely test our resilience and trust in God’s provision, protection and ever-present care through this season. I encourage you to prioritize your awareness and practical efforts to maintain spiritual, emotional and physical health while you do your best to care for loved ones, neighbors and co-workers through this unprecedented season.

CitySalt will continue to use our website, Facebook page, YouTube and group emails to provide you with updates as more information is available regarding events, creative connections, or practical ways to serve those in need.

Here are some other links that you may find helpful:

Prayer Requests - As needs arise, you are welcome to share prayer requests that can be forwarded to our intercessory prayer team. You may send requests to Pastor John Rice by completing the CitySalt Online Pray Request Google form.

Phone Tree Check-Ins - As a proactive expression of care, we are in the process of mobilizing a team of people who will be calling and texting those in our church directory to stay connected and informed as to each other's needs. Be expecting a call in the days ahead. If you don’t hear from us, there is a chance that we don’t have your information. To be sure, you can complete the CitySalt Connection Card via Google forms to share your information with us.

YouTube Live Video Stream - This resource allows users to stream live video through YouTube and will be new territory for us. We will be exploring this tool and hopefully using it to keep you connected and encouraged in creative ways. No YouTube account is required. Here is the link to connect.

Social Media Support - Our leaders will continue to explore and implement social media tools that enable us to connect online for Triads, Bible Studies and other group meetings. If you need assistance with setting up and using your smartphone, tablet or computer to connect through one of these apps, feel free to call our church line at (541) 632-4182 or email at

Online Giving (Tithes, offerings and Benevolence Fund): - There will likely be financial needs that will arise for individuals and families as this health crisis impacts our economy. In addition to your regular giving to support CitySalt, you can make a tax-deductible contribution specifically to the Benevolence Fund, that is dedicated to providing assistance to those with practical needs. To make an online contribution, you can visit CitySalt Give. Or, if you prefer to write a check it can be mailed to CitySalt Church PO Box 5830 Eugene, OR 97405.

What is Zoom?

Zoom is an online platform for both video and audio conferencing. It is the tool we have chosen to help our CitySalt family stay connected because we'll be able to see each other's faces!

What is required to join a Zoom meeting?

Any computer, tablet or smartphone with a good internet connection. You will want to use whichever device is newest and you can download the Zoom app (for free) by clicking on the links below for mobile devices. If you're joining via computer, just click the invitation to the event link provided and say YES to everything. It will download a program to your computer that will then connect you to the meeting in progress.

Tonight - YouTube Live | Coronavirus COVID-19 Update #3 | March 22nd

March 22, 2020Greetings Church,

I trust this message finds you making the best of the coronavirus disruptions. Though we may be apart physically during this season, I am grateful and encouraged by the way our CitySalt community has been finding creative ways to connect with one another.

I want to personally invite you to join us TONIGHT @ 5:30pm for our CitySalt Church live stream on YouTube for a 30-45 minute “service” aiming to connect and encourage us throughout the current Coronavius disruption.

You can tune-in with us online each Sunday at 5:30pm in the following ways:

You may notice we are going in a slightly different direction. We will continue to explore a variety of tools and ideas for this time in the weeks ahead but have decided to use YouTube instead of Facebook since there is no account required to access the content making it more accessible for the greatest number of people.

In the days ahead, I understand that we will be dealing with a constant state of uncertainty regarding the health and economic impact of this pandemic. This will likely test our resilience and trust in God’s provision, protection and ever-present care through this season. I encourage you to keep prioritizing efforts to maintain your own spiritual, emotional and physical health as you provide necessary care for loved ones, neighbors and co-workers.

CitySalt will continue to use our website, Facebook page, YouTube and group emails to provide you with updates as more information is available regarding events, creative connections, or practical ways to serve those in need.

If you have any questions, ideas, solutions or would like to request a meeting with a pastor, please feel free to contact Mike D’Eliso at (541) 632-4182 or

I look forward to gathering with you online this evening. Join us!

Looking Up,

Pastor Dusty
(on behalf of our Church Council and Leadership Team)

I’ve kept my feet on the ground,
I’ve cultivated a quiet heart.
Like a baby content in its mother’s arms,
my soul is a baby content.
Wait, Israel, for God. Wait with hope.
Hope now; hope always!
~Psalm 131:2-3 The Message

A few reminders:

Prayer Requests - As needs arise, you are welcome to share prayer requests that can be forwarded to our intercessory prayer team. You may send requests to Pastor John Rice by completing the CitySalt Online Pray Request Google form.

Phone Tree Check-Ins - As a proactive expression of care, we are in the process of mobilizing a team of people who will be calling and texting those in our church directory to stay connected and informed as to each other's needs. Be expecting a call in the days ahead. If you don’t hear from us, there is a chance that we don’t have your information. To be sure, you can complete the CitySalt Connection Card via Google forms to share your information with us.

YouTube Live Video Stream - This resource allows users to stream live video through YouTube and will be new territory for us. We will be exploring this tool and hopefully using it to keep you connected and encouraged in creative ways. No YouTube account is required. Here is the link to connect.

Social Media Support - Our leaders will continue to explore and implement social media tools that enable us to connect online for Triads, Bible Studies and other group meetings. If you need assistance with setting up and using your smartphone, tablet or computer to connect through one of these apps, feel free to call our church line at (541) 632-4182 or email at

Benevolence Fund - There will likely be financial needs that will arise for individuals and families as this health crisis impacts our economy. In addition to your regular giving to support CitySalt, you can make a tax-deductible contribution specifically to the Benevolence Fund, that is dedicated to providing assistance to those with practical needs. To make an online contribution, you can visit CitySalt Give. Or, if you prefer to write a check it can be mailed to CitySalt Church PO Box 5830 Eugene, OR 97405.

Community Prayer Guide | March 2020

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide March 2020

“As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’”
Matthew 10:7

Pray for Jesus’ love and truth to be lived-out and communicated through His people.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured-out on our entire community to draw people to follow Jesus.
Pray for young leaders to be raised-up in churches and harmoniously integrated into leadership teams.
Pray for God given power and strategies to communicate the gospel together.

Pray for Jesus-followers to engage in loving faith conversations on every school campus.
Praise the Lord for an increase of mentors engaging schools and ask Him to send more as the need is great.
Elementary schools are in testing season: pray for students and teachers to have abundant peace.
Pray for God’s peace for elementary & middle school students as they prepare to transition into new schools.

Pray for God to guide the process and selection of the new city managers of Eugene and Springfield.
Pray for God to guide local elections in May that include county commissioners, city counselors & sheriff.
Pray for the Oregon State Legislature: God’s wisdom, new people working in collaborative relationships.

Pray for business leaders to come to know and follow Jesus.
Pray for the leadership of local Chambers of Commerce to be catalysts who have wisdom & clear vision.
Pray for ethical & flourishing wealth development that provides for God’s purposes in our community.
Pray for God’s wisdom and direction in the rezoning of business properties on north highway 99.

Pray for God’s Spirit to bring wisdom, truth and light to the Hult Center: staff, artists, and audiences.
Pray for all types of artists to come to know and follow Jesus. Pray for love & boldness to share the gospel.
Pray for the overall health of artists: musicians, visual, writers and instructors.
Pray for under-served populations to have access to the arts.

Pray for God’s Spirit to lead fathers to turn their hearts to their children and that the children turn their hearts to their fathers.
Pray for parents to listen well to their children.
Pray for those struggling with drug addiction: for God to intervene, that they would be delivered of their dependency and find peace in Jesus, and have stability in jobs and housing.
Pray for those in isolation to engage in friendships and reconnect with family.

Health Care
Pray for vulnerable populations to receive health care in the midst of health insurance transitions.
Pray for health care providers to be empowered, strengthened and healthy as they serve so many people.
Pray for God’s hand in the treatment of mental illness: pray for resources, collaboration and compassionate hearts to treat those who are suffering.
Pray for unity among local health care providers: encouragement with each other & greater collaboration.

Police and Fire Departments
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for the wholistic well-being of our First Responders including their spiritual and emotional protection.
Pray for the families of our First Responders: healthy marriages, peace, & joyful times together.
Pray for our local police, sheriff and fire departments to be fully staffed by men & women of noble character.

Pray for local media leaders to have clear vision, blessing and protection & report all sides of the stories.
Pray that God will use all local media to bring hope and direction to those struggling with depression & suicide.
Pray for community-building and Jesus-glorifying stories to be reported through local media.

Pray for safety, protection and peace over every public sporting event.
Pray for God to bless and guide the YMCA leadership teams as they serve kids and families.
Pray for the Eugene Civic Alliance to receive all of the funding for the new Civic Park sports complex.
Pray for God to raise up strong, Christ-following athletes as role models and ambassadors.

Find answers to prayer on our website: