During these unique circumstances, this image of what we’ve coined “the rat race” being pulled to a halt keeps running through my mind. It actually feels refreshing, although it’s hard to say it’s good when so many people have lost their jobs, their means to eat and cloth and keep a roof over their family's head. But if we can’t control the things that happen to us, we can control our reaction and our perspective.
The unknown? Starting over? Struggle? Change? Through the journey my husband and I have been on, I feel like we have been training for this since the day we met. We’ve learned to flip the perspective - what's new? What's possible? What's good? What remains?
While some of us pause, we can use this time to take inventory of the things that fill our lives. Notice them, then set them down. When we let go of things like worry, frustration, habits, distractions and “stuff”. What remains? God, prayer, love.
Romans 12:2
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”
There is opportunity in this change.
There is hope in this shift.
Flowers will bloom from this darkness.
The opportunity is to go deeper with our connection to our God. Be still. Listen more. Observe the world around you and appreciate God’s creation. Take time each day to breathe and let go of fear and the attempt to control. Release the things of this world and “be transformed by the renewing of your mind”.
As our family moves around often, physical stuff passes through our lives in a more fluid way than it would if we had a stationary home. As I get more experienced in releasing physical things, I’ve also exercised my ability to set down the emotional things and the habitual things that tie us down and keep us fixated on this world, with our priorities off balance. Just as the physical act of exercising the core of your body is important to the whole of your body, the act of surrendering the things of this world, to make space and time to strengthen your spiritual core is important too, and so good.
And just as the act of releasing physical things is a cycle(take in, let go, buy something else, pass it on to someone else), so is the process of “renewing our minds”. We take in so much throughout the days and weeks and need to complete the cycle of recognizing it and setting it down, making room for God to do His work in us and through us, time for prayer to strengthen our spiritual core.
Then ponder a flipped perspective, with a strengthened core, “so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”
What’s new in your life?
What’s possible? (anything really)
What’s good?
What remains?
Below are song lyrics to the Rivers & Robots song, Shepherd of My Soul. They are a beautiful prayer and worship in a time of uncertainty, changing the perspective into a time of renewal, hope and transformation.
May you see the blessings arising from the struggle.
Shepherd of My Soul
Rivers & Robots
Lord of the mountains and sea
You are treading a path set for me
God of the seasons and sky
You have always been holding my life
And Lord, You are the shepherd of my soul
So I lay down my plans, I give up my rights
And let You take control of this surrendered life
So I put my trust in the one
Who created the stars and the sun
You are eternally kind
Always faithful and endlessly wise
You comfort, You sustain
In shaking You remain
Unmoved and unafraid
Forever and always
You lead me by still waters
Lead me through the valleys
Lead me in Your wisdom
Shepherd of my soul
Through valleys of shadow and death I am not afraid
By my Father's breath every star in the sky was made
And who can I fear when You're standing right here by my side?
Always leading, protecting and guarding my left and my right
Father You make all things new
Great God of creation
Father You will always be my rock and salvation
About the Author
Leona is a wife, mother and traveler who is intrigued by how different people live. Her latest project is exploring ways that different walks of life can simplify, in order to live a fulfilling journey.