NEW Dates Available! Host a Middle thru High School Gathering | 2025
to May 31

NEW Dates Available! Host a Middle thru High School Gathering | 2025

CitySalt’s growing number of middle and high school students need you. Yes, you!

Volunteer with a friend or spouse to host one of our monthly youth events. The goal for these events is to accompany other spiritual and emotional growth happening for our youth within the whole of CitySalt. So these times can be either spiritually oriented, service oriented, or fun oriented. 

What are you into? Host a game night! Take a group and volunteer somewhere! Watch a movie or go bowling. Make art! Donut taste testing crawl through town. CitySalt does have budgeted funds to help support the gathering.

Contact Aaron or Heather to learn more and think through potential outings at Click the button below to reserve your date. (Pre-selected dates are based on a monthly rotation and are selected to work around major holidays and local school district schedules.)

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The Epic of Eden Study | Thursday, February 6th - March 20th | 6:00pm
to Mar 20

The Epic of Eden Study | Thursday, February 6th - March 20th | 6:00pm

Have you ever struggled with reading and understanding the Old Testament? Have you ever felt like your knowledge of the Old Testament is a kind of random collection of people, books and events disconnected from each other?

The Friesens will be hosting a 7-week small group in their home on Thursday evenings February 6th through March 20th to watch and discuss a teaching series on the Old Testament by Dr. Sandra Richter called The Epic of Eden.

Dr. Richter is an Old Testament scholar and professor at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California – a gifted preacher, teacher and communicator. This study is focused on providing some basic background and tools for understanding the Old Testament. Through Dr. Richter's teaching, we will learn about the culture and geography of ancient Israel and how that knowledge can help us to be better readers of the Old Testament. We will also learn a framework for understanding how individual stories and eras in the life of Israel connect to a larger story that God has been writing since the beginning of time and which continues to unfold in our lives today.

In our times together we will eat together for about 45-60 minutes*, watch a video teaching from Dr. Richter (30-40 minutes) and then discuss together for about 30 minutes or so.

A note about Youth and Children: Middle and high school youth are welcome to participate in this study. If you have children elementary school age or younger, please contact the Friesens and they will do their best to work with you to find a suitable option for them so that you can participate in the study.


There is a study guide that you can purchase to accompany the video sessions that provides some short readings and follow up reflective exercises that can be done during the week. The study guide is not required, but it available for purchase here for $23.

If you want to go a little deeper into the things that Dr. Richter covers in this study or be able to reference her content later you may want to purchase her book, The Epic of Eden. It is available for purchase here for $16.

Contact Aaron at for more information. *Additional information about our meal together will be shared with participants.

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CS Youth Event - Climbing at the Bouldering Gym | Saturday, February 22nd | 4:30pm
4:30 PM16:30

CS Youth Event - Climbing at the Bouldering Gym | Saturday, February 22nd | 4:30pm

Middle and High Schoolers, come climbing with us at The Circuit Bouldering gym, 185 E 11th Ave, Eugene. We will be climbing from 4:30 to 5:00pm, so don't be late! Afterward there will be dinner and adventure stories with Tyler, our own world class adventurer, at The Box.

Bring your friends! RSVP is required for this event. RSVP with Heather and Aaron at

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Aaron Co-Lead Pastor Installation | Sunday, March 2nd | 4:00pm
4:00 PM16:00

Aaron Co-Lead Pastor Installation | Sunday, March 2nd | 4:00pm

Dear CitySalt,

We announced some exciting news at our annual business meeting in February. Officially, we are restructuring our pastoral leadership model at the church to have each of us (Mike and Aaron) serve as part-time Co-Lead Pastors. This change will allow us to organize and structure our pastoral roles at CitySalt around our own unique leadership gifts and strengths, and it also allows us to pursue other important ministry opportunities outside of CitySalt. Shared leadership has always been a part of our church's DNA, and this structural change gets to be a beautiful way to formalize and affirm this heartbeat of who we are. As we move into this next season of ministry at CitySalt (year 20!), we are anticipating many beautiful and wonderful things to emerge and grow in our lives as we seek to follow the Way of Jesus together.

Installation Service

As a Foursquare Church, the Northwest District is involved in and approves any lead pastor changes or transition, and they now have a formal process and model for appointing a co-pastor team. They are very supportive and encouraging of CitySalt making this change, and on Sunday, March 2nd, Aaron will be formally installed as CitySalt’s Co-Lead Pastor!

We hope you can join us for this celebration during our regular Sunday service with special guests from the Foursquare Northwest District office overseeing part of the service. We will also have a chance to pray together for the church, and Aaron will share a little of what he feels God stirring in his heart for our church as he steps into this new role.

Mike and Aaron

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15th Night Burrito Making Party | Sunday, March 9th | 3:00pm
3:00 PM15:00

15th Night Burrito Making Party | Sunday, March 9th | 3:00pm

15th Night feeds at risk youth and unhoused teens. Help us provide dinner for 30-40 youth!

Two specific ways you can help:

  1. Provide a burrito ingredient, and/or join the burrito making party

  2. Give to our Homeless Youth Meal Outreach Fund (Click to Give)*

We’ll meet to build burritos for our 15th Night students at The Box Sunday at 3:00pm. The burritos will be delivered to 15th Night for their Tuesday event.

Team meal prep takes approximately a half hour to 45 minutes.

For those who can provide an ingredient or help make burritos contact JoVone Kettwig at 541-954-7339, or at

To learn more about 15th Night visit

*Select Homeless Youth | Meal Outreach from the drop down menu.

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Men’s Breakfast |  Monday, March 10th | 9:00am
9:00 AM09:00

Men’s Breakfast | Monday, March 10th | 9:00am

Gentlemen, join Tim and Barry on Monday at 9:00am for a good time of fellowship and connection. They will be meeting at the IHOP at 3427 Gateway St, Springfield.

The goal of this regular monthly gathering is to get together around a meal, connect as men in different seasons of life, and learn from one another about walking in Christ.

Please RSVP with Tim Sorric at 541-221-3244.

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Fasting and Prayer & Worship | Monday & Tuesday, March 10th-11th
to Mar 11

Fasting and Prayer & Worship | Monday & Tuesday, March 10th-11th

This is an opportunity to increase our awareness of the God who loves us through the practice of fasting from Monday evening, March 10th till Tuesday evening, March 11th.

Whether from food or something else, fasting is a historic worshipful practice that is a means for us to willfully remove or limit a source of comfort for a time in order to be more alert to the presence and sufficiency of Christ in our lives and the needs of those around us. Out of that alertness to God and others, can come a new awareness of God‘s leading – things that He is calling us to change or grow in, ways that we may have neglected His ways, and blessings and provisions that He has given us to share with others.

In addition to our monthly rhythm of gathering for Prayer and Worship on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, join in a time of fasting leading up to that time of prayer.

For those who can make it to The Box during the day, Barry Hogge will be hosting an open house drop in for 2 hour time blocks during each meal time. 7:00-9:00am, 11:30-1:30pm and 4:00-6:00pm.

Our regular Prayer and Worship time is from 6:30-8:00pm.

Submit prayer requests by contacting Abby at or 503-522-6876 or click the button below.

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