Have you ever struggled with reading and understanding the Old Testament? Have you ever felt like your knowledge of the Old Testament is a kind of random collection of people, books and events disconnected from each other?
The Friesens will be hosting a 7-week small group in their home on Thursday evenings February 6th through March 20th to watch and discuss a teaching series on the Old Testament by Dr. Sandra Richter called The Epic of Eden.
Dr. Richter is an Old Testament scholar and professor at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California – a gifted preacher, teacher and communicator. This study is focused on providing some basic background and tools for understanding the Old Testament. Through Dr. Richter's teaching, we will learn about the culture and geography of ancient Israel and how that knowledge can help us to be better readers of the Old Testament. We will also learn a framework for understanding how individual stories and eras in the life of Israel connect to a larger story that God has been writing since the beginning of time and which continues to unfold in our lives today.
In our times together we will eat together for about 45-60 minutes*, watch a video teaching from Dr. Richter (30-40 minutes) and then discuss together for about 30 minutes or so.
A note about Youth and Children: Middle and high school youth are welcome to participate in this study. If you have children elementary school age or younger, please contact the Friesens and they will do their best to work with you to find a suitable option for them so that you can participate in the study.
There is a study guide that you can purchase to accompany the video sessions that provides some short readings and follow up reflective exercises that can be done during the week. The study guide is not required, but it available for purchase here for $23.
If you want to go a little deeper into the things that Dr. Richter covers in this study or be able to reference her content later you may want to purchase her book, The Epic of Eden. It is available for purchase here for $16.
Contact Aaron at aaron@citysalt.org for more information. *Additional information about our meal together will be shared with participants.