Community Prayer Guide | July 2022

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

“Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel…”
2 Timothy 2:8

Pray for your pastor and church leadership to receive encouragement, joy and wisdom to lead.
Pray for kids and youth camps: for God’s presence to fill every heart and transform every life.
Pray for your church to be equipped in the Word, filled with the Spirit and sent into our community.
Pray for God to pour out His Spirit on everyone in our community and draw them to follow Jesus.

Pray for educators to experience rest and soul care this summer.
Pray for job openings in schools to be filled by Jesus-followers who have wisdom and solutions.
Pray for churches to have the Holy Spirit’s inspiration to support educators and students with God’s grace.
Pray for school leaders to have wisdom to rebuild teams and “communities of trust” with parents & teachers.

Pray for every home to be filled with God’s shalom that brings healing for parents, kids & singles.
Pray for families to maximize quality family time this summer through recreation and communication.
Pray for God to raise up and connect more local role models with both kids and parents.
Pray for God to strengthen marriages with his love, direction and hope for the future.

Pray for God’s wisdom to be given to staff and elected officials in our state, county and city governments.
Pray for God’s blessing to be upon the creation of the “Mental Health Crisis Center” that is in development.
Pray for the Lord’s shalom to be upon government & private sector efforts to host the world this month, and improve our community for the long-term.
Pray for the local housing crisis: For God to lead government, church, business & non-profits to effectively shepherd unhoused people.

Pray for God to empower local business leaders with wisdom to navigate uncertain economic times.
Pray for local businesses to increase capacity for the World Championships and beyond.
Pray for God to raise up quality employees for businesses despite the labor shortage.
Pray for God to join together Jesus-following workplace leaders with His vision for our area.

“For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.”
1 Corinthians 15:3-4

Pray for more children’s books to be written that highlight true and life-giving virtues.
Pray for God’s Spirit to fill “outdoor landscape painters” (en plein air) as they paint God’s creation.
Pray for artists who don't know Jesus to discover the Creator, and then engage the creative process.
Pray for God’s blessing to be upon Jesus-following musicians who perform to reach people with God’s love.

Health Care
Pray for an increase of funding for “more beds” for residential treatment programs for substance abuse.
Pray for God to provide more “in patient” nurses, as there is a significant staffing shortage.
Pray for God to provide more mental health case managers and counselors.
Pray for the protection, health & strength of all HCPs.
Pray for Jesus-following HCPs to be filled with Jesus’ love and show it to others.

Police & Fire Departments
Pray for God to provide encouragement and wisdom to the leadership teams of all local first responders.
Pray for God to provide plans & abundant personnel for Community Safety for the World Championships.
Pray for people of noble character to be hired by local law enforcement, as there are many open positions.
Pray for God to guide the process and selection of the next Eugene & Springfield Fire Chief.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.

Pray for God’s Spirit to move upon all of the staff at The Register Guard.
Pray for community-building and Jesus-glorifying stories to be reported through local T.V. stations.
Pray for local media leaders to have clear vision, blessing and protection, & report all sides of the stories.
Pray that God will use local media to bring hope and direction to those struggling with depression & suicide.

Pray for God’s peace, protection, and blessing to be on the World Championships.
Pray for all the athletes at the World Championships to be drawn by God’s Spirit to follow Jesus.
Pray for God’s shalom and wisdom to be upon the “decision makers” of all local athletics.
Pray for youth to have encouragement and access to participate in local athletics.

“They will proclaim my glory among the nations.”
Isaiah 66:19b

Find answers to prayer on website:
For Spanish and Kid's Prayer Guides visit

Community Prayer Guide | June 2022

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

“And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.”
Genesis 1:3

Pray for your pastor and church leadership to receive the Lord’s wisdom and power to lead & equip.
Pray for local pastors to love each other and walk in unity, so Jesus can be more clearly seen and known.
Pray for your church to be equipped in the Word, filled with the Spirit and sent into our community.
Pray for Overflow Hope: for local churches/people to communicate the Gospel together in love & power.

Pray for God to lead the process & selection of the next 4J superintendent.
Pray for wise, visionary leaders at the highest levels of each district to bring clarity, hope and decisive leadership that is needed for languishing educators.
Pray for churches to have the Holy Spirit’s inspiration to support educators and students with God’s grace.
Pray for the job openings in schools to be filled by Jesus-followers who have wisdom and solutions.

Pray for people struggling with suicidal thoughts to find hope, help and loving connection.
Pray for families to engage recreation and play time together to bring life, emotional & physical health.
Pray for God to raise up and connect more local role models with both kids and parents.
Pray for God to strengthen marriages with his love, direction and hope for the future.

Pray for God’s wisdom to be given to staff and elected officials in our state, county and city governments.
Pray for better communication and agreement among local government and private agencies.
Pray for the local housing crisis: For God to lead government, church, business & non-profits to effectively shepherd unhoused people.

Pray for God to join together Jesus-following workplace leaders with His vision for our area.
Pray for God to empower local business leaders with wisdom to navigate current challenges.
Pray for God to raise up quality employees for businesses despite the labor shortage.
Pray for local businesses to increase capacity for the World Championships and beyond.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
John 1:1

Salvation & Prodigals
Pray for God to pour out His Spirit on everyone in our community and draw them to follow Jesus.

Pray for the increase of God’s vision and a deeper sense of co-creating with God for all local artists.
Pray for artists who don't know Jesus to discover the Creator, and then engage the creative process.
Pray for art and performance venues to have enough support staff to fully open to capacity.

Health Care
Pray for an increase of funding for “more beds” for residential treatment programs for substance abuse.
Pray for God to provide more mental health case managers and counselors.
Pray for working HCPs (Health Care Professionals) to have peace, wisdom and joy amid the staffing shortage.
Pray for the protection, health & strength of all HCPs.
Pray for Jesus-following HCPs to be filled with Jesus’ love and show it to others.

Police & Fire Departments
Pray for the leadership teams of local first responders to be led by God’s wisdom and His encouragement.
Pray for God to provide plans & abundant personnel for Community Safety for the World Championships.
Pray for people of noble character to be hired by local law enforcement, as there are many open positions.
Pray for God to guide the process and selection of the next Eugene & Springfield Fire Chief.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.

Pray for those in media to have first-hand experiences of God’s love through the church.
Pray for community-building & Jesus-glorifying stories to be reported through local TV stations & newspapers.
Pray that God will use all local media to bring hope & help to those struggling with depression & suicide.
Pray for local media leaders to have clear vision and report all sides of stories.

Pray for God’s peace, protection, and blessing to be on the World Championships.
Pray for all the athletes at the World Championships to be drawn by God’s Spirit to follow Jesus.
Pray for God’s shalom and wisdom to be upon the “decision makers” of all local athletics.
Pray for youth to have encouragement and access to participate in local athletics.

“Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.”
2 Timothy 1:10b

Find answers to prayer on website:
For Spanish and Kid's Prayer Guides visit

Community Prayer Guide | May 2022

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”
John 15:12-13

Pray for your pastor and church leadership to receive the Lord’s wisdom and power to lead & equip.
Pray for local pastors to love each other and walk in unity, so Jesus can be more clearly seen and known.
Pray for Overflow Hope: for local churches to communicate the Gospel together in love, power and creativity.
Pray for your church to be equipped in the Word, filled with the Spirit and sent into our community.

Pray for God to lead the process & selection of the next 4J superintendent.
Pray for wise, visionary leaders at the highest levels of each district to bring clarity, hope and decisive leadership that is needed for languishing educators.
Pray for God's love and power to break through the weariness and discouragement of educators.
Pray for churches to have the Holy Spirit’s inspiration to support educators and students with God’s grace.
Pray for the job openings in schools to be filled by Jesus-followers who have wisdom and solutions.

Pray for people struggling with suicidal thoughts to find hope, help and loving connection.
Pray for families to engage recreation and play time together to bring life, emotional & physical health.
Pray for God to raise up and connect more local role models with both kids and parents.
Pray for God to strengthen marriages with his love, direction and hope for the future.

Pray for God’s wisdom to be given to staff and elected officials in our state, county and city governments.
Pray for this month’s elections: for God to guide the process and selection of local elected officials.
Pray for better communication and agreement among government and private agencies.
Pray for the local housing crisis: For God to lead government, church, business & non-profits to effectively shepherd unhoused people.

Pray for God to give business leaders new vision for community flourishing via Biblical principles.
Pray for God to empower local business leaders with wisdom to navigate current challenges.
Pray for God to raise up quality employees for businesses despite the labor shortage.
Pray for local businesses to increase capacity for this summer’s World Championships and beyond.

“You are my friends if you do what I command.”
John 15:14

Pray for the increase of God’s vision, and a deeper sense of co-creating with God for all local artists.
Pray for artists who don't know Jesus to discover the Creator, and then engage the creative process.
Pray for art and performance venues to have enough support staff to fully open to capacity.
Pray for all school spring concerts to bring joy, celebration, and beauty to all who participate.

Health Care
Pray for an increase of funding for “more beds” for residential treatment programs for substance abuse.
Pray for God to provide more mental health case managers and counselors.
Pray for working HCPs (Health Care Professionals) to have peace, wisdom and joy amid the staffing shortage.
Pray for the protection, health & strength of all HCPs.
Pray for Jesus-following HCPs to be filled with Jesus’ love and show it to others.

Police & Fire Departments
Pray for the leadership teams of local first responders to be led by God’s wisdom and His encouragement.
Pray for God to provide plans & abundant personnel for Community Safety for the World Championships.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for people of noble character to be hired by local law enforcement, as there are many open positions.
Pray for God to guide the process and selection of the next Eugene & Springfield Fire Chief.

Pray for God’s shalom and wisdom to be upon the “decision makers” of all local athletics.
Pray for God to guide the plans and preparations for the 2022 World Championships.
Pray also for God to show Jesus-followers how to serve during the Championships.
Pray for youth to have encouragement and access to participate in local athletics.

Pray for God’s Spirit to move upon the Register Guard staff.
Pray for community-building and Jesus-glorifying stories to be reported through local TV stations.
Pray for local media leaders to have clear vision and report all sides of stories.
Pray that God will use all local media to bring hope & help to those struggling with depression & suicide.

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last.”
John 15:16a

Find answers to prayer on website:
For Spanish and Kid's Prayer Guides visit

Community Prayer Guide | April 2022

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide April 2022

“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!”
Luke 24:5

Pray for your pastor and church to be filled with the Holy Spirit as they prepare for Easter and follow-up after.
Pray for local pastors to love each other and walk in unity, so Jesus can be more clearly seen and known.
Pray for Overflow Hope: for local churches to communicate the Gospel together in love, power and creativity.
Pray for people to return to church, and then be relationally connected.

Pray for God to lead the process & selection of the 4J superintendent; pray also for unity for the school board.
Pray for holistic solutions for students with mental health strains and learning gaps.
Pray for God to rescue and heal students struggling with suicidal thoughts.
Pray for churches to support fatigued teaching staff and to begin volunteering in schools again.
As schools reopen campuses to volunteers and re-engage activities, pray for a sustainable pace and more staff capacity, so it won’t create an even greater workload.

Pray for God to raise up and connect more local role models with both kids and parents.
Pray for families to engage recreation and play time together to bring life, emotional & physical health.
Pray for God to turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents.
Pray for God to strengthen marriages with his love, direction and hope for the future.

Pray for the upcoming elections: for God to guide the process and selection of local elected officials.
Pray for better communication and agreement between public and private agencies.
Pray for God’s wisdom to be given to staff and elected officials in our state, county and city governments.
Pray for the local housing crisis: For God to lead government, church, business & non-profits to effectively shepherd unhoused people.

Pray for God to give business leaders new vision for community flourishing via kingdom principles.
Pray for God to empower local business leaders with wisdom to navigate current challenges.
Pray for God to raise up quality employees for businesses during the current labor shortage.
Pray for local businesses to increase capacity for this summer’s World Championships and beyond.

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.”
John 11:25

Pray for local artists in every medium to have God’s perspective and create excellent, encouraging art.
Pray for the Pacific Rim Art Guild to be guided by the Lord as they begin teaching art classes.
Pray for God to pour out His Spirit upon all artists in our community: music, visual, dance, writers & actors.
Pray for art teachers and students to be inspired by God and encouraged in their artistic development.

Health Care
Pray for God to provide more mental health case managers and counselors.
Because of significant staffing shortages in clinics and hospitals, pray for every open position to be filled.
Pray for working HCPs (Health Care Professionals) to have peace, wisdom and joy amid the staffing shortage.
Pray for the protection, health & strength of all HCPs.
Pray for Jesus-following HCPs to be filled with and show Jesus’ love.

Police & Fire Departments
Pray for the leadership teams of local first responders to be led by God’s wisdom and His encouragement.
Pray for God to provide plans and abundant personnel for Community Safety during the World Championships.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for people of noble character to be hired by local law enforcement, as there are many open positions.

Pray for God to guide and work through all of our local radio stations.
Pray for God to guide media leaders in the stories that they promote and highlight.
Pray for God to pour out His Spirit on all of the staff of the Eugene Weekly.
Pray for God to raise-up media leaders with vision & boldness to advance God’s purposes through media.

Pray for God’s guidance to be upon the leadership of KidSports, the YMCA, soccer and baseball leagues.
Pray for God to guide the plans and preparations for the 2022 World Championships.
Pray also for God to show Jesus-followers & churches how to serve together during the Championships.
Pray for all youth to have encouragement and access to participate in local athletic opportunities.

“Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
John 20:21

Find answers to prayer on website:
For Spanish and Kid's Prayer Guides visit

Community Prayer Guide | March 2022

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide March 2022

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:34-35

Pray for God to reveal Jesus and the Gospel to all people in our community.
Pray for local churches to love each other & communicate the Gospel together in love, power and creativity.
Pray for your pastor and church leadership to be filled with the Holy Spirit as they prepare for Easter.
Pray for people to return to church, and then be empowered to live like Jesus.

Pray for the Lord to lead the process and selection of the new 4J school superintendent.
Pray for holistic solutions for students with mental health strains and learning gaps.
Pray for unity and trust to be renewed within all schools: Christian and public.
Pray for churches to support fatigued teaching staff and to begin volunteering in schools again.

Pray for God to give peace, grace and love to families.
Pray for families to enjoy time together and cultivate good relationships with one another.
Pray for God to turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents.
Pray for God to strengthen marriages with his love, direction and a stirring toward a hopeful future.

Pray for God to guide the process and selection of the next Eugene/Springfield Fire Chief.
Pray for better communication and agreement between public and private agencies.
Pray for God’s wisdom to be given to staff and elected officials in our state, county and city governments.
Pray for the local housing crisis: For God to lead government, church, business & non-profits to effectively shepherd unhoused people.

Pray for God to give business leaders new vision for community flourishing via kingdom principles.
Pray for business, church & government leaders to coordinate efforts and increase the local housing supply.
Pray for God to raise up quality employees for businesses during the current labor shortage.
Pray for local businesses to increase capacity for this summer’s World Championships and beyond.

“‘The most important one,’ answered Jesus, ‘is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’”
Mark 12:29-30

Pray for the Lord’s Spirit to touch all who are connected to the Oregon Contemporary Theater.
Pray for God to inspire and guide the leadership of the Lane Arts Council.
Pray for God to pour out His Spirit upon all artists in our community: music, visual, dance, writers & actors.
Pray for art teachers and students to be inspired by God and encouraged in their artistic development.

Health Care
Pray for God to provide a new nurse practitioner for Dove Medical, our local pregnancy resource center.
Because of significant staffing shortages in clinics and hospitals, pray for open positions to be filled.
Pray for working HCPs (Health Care Professionals) to have peace, wisdom and joy amid the staffing shortage.
Pray for the protection, health & strength of all HCPs.
Pray for Jesus-following HCPs to show Jesus’ love.

Police & Fire Departments
Pray for God to provide plans and abundant personnel for Community Safety during the World Championships.
Pray for our local first responders to have perseverance, strength and encouragement.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for people of noble character to be hired by local law enforcement, as there are many open positions.

Pray for God to guide and be present in all of our local TV stations: KMTR, KEZI, KVAL, and KLSR.
Pray for local media to promote and equip community members to listen and understand one another better.
Pray for God to raise-up media leaders with vision & boldness to advance God’s purposes through media.
Pray for God to guide media leaders in the stories that they promote and highlight.

Pray for God to guide the plans and preparations for the 2022 World Championships.
Pray also for God to show Jesus-followers & churches how to serve together during the Championships.
Pray for all youth to have encouragement and access to participate in local athletic opportunities.
Pray for God’s guidance to be upon the leadership of youth athletic leagues, high school sports and the UO.

“‘The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.’”
Mark 12:31

Find answers to prayer on website:
For Spanish and Kid's Prayer Guides visit

Community Prayer Guide | February 2022

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide February 2022

“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ…”
Ephesians 3:17b-18

Pray for people to return to church and then be strengthened, loved and empowered to live like Jesus.
Pray for your pastor and church leadership team to have the Lord’s vision, joy & wisdom to lead in 2022.
Pray for local churches to communicate the Gospel together in love, power and creativity.
Pray for God to reveal Jesus and the Gospel to all people in our community.

Pray for God to refresh, encourage, and strengthen educators who continue to endure through long and unprecedented circumstances.
Pray for brave innovation and creative solutions to arise at every leadership level in the school districts.
Pray for churches to be prepared and equipped for the new & effective doors of serving that God will open.
Pray that God would raise up men and women of peace, wisdom, and solutions in every district to overcome fear, mistrust and division.

Pray for God to give peace, compassion, grace and hope to every family.
Pray for families to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.
Pray for God to turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents.
Pray for God to strengthen marriages with his love, power and direction.

Pray for God’s wisdom to be given to staff and elected officials in our state, county and city governments.
Pray for higher quality communication and agreement between public and private agencies.
Pray for the local housing crisis: For God to lead government, church, business & non-profits to effectively shepherd unhoused people.
Pray for God to guide the process and selection of the next Eugene/Springfield Fire Chief.

Pray for God to give business leaders new vision for community flourishing via kingdom principles.
Pray for business, church & government leaders to coordinate efforts and increase the local housing supply.
Pray for God to raise up quality employees for businesses during the present labor shortage.
Pray for local businesses to increase capacity for this summer’s World Championships and beyond.

“…and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Ephesians 3:19

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us…”
Ephesians 3:20

Pray for God to pour out His Spirit upon all artists in our community: music, visual, dance, writers & actors.
Pray for art teachers and students to be inspired by God and encouraged in their artistic development.
Pray for the Pacific Rim Art Guild to receive new vision and plans from the Lord.
Pray for the Lord’s Spirit to touch the cast and crew of “Radio Redux” at the Hult Center.

Health Care
Because of significant staffing shortages in clinics and hospitals, pray for open positions to be filled.
Pray for working HCPs (Health Care Professionals) to have peace, wisdom and joy amid the staffing shortage.
Pray for the protection, health & strength of all HCPs.
Pray for God to provide an increase of Behavioral Health funding and workers for our community.

Police & Fire Departments
Pray for our local first responders to have perseverance, strength and encouragement.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for God to provide resources and solutions for organizations to address the mental health crisis.
Pray for people of noble character to be hired by local law enforcement, as there are many open positions (Five new quality deputies were hired, but there are a few dozen open positions).

Pray for more relevant and important local stories to be reported, so that our community can be informed.
Pray for God to raise-up media leaders with vision & boldness to advance God’s purposes through media.
Pray for God to guide media leaders in the stories that they promote and highlight.

Pray for God’s guidance on the leadership of the YMCA, KidSports, youth soccer leagues & high school sports.
Pray for all youth to have encouragement and access to participate in local athletic opportunities.
Pray for God to guide the plans and preparations for the 2022 World Championships.
Pray also for God to show Jesus-followers & churches how to serve together during the Championships.

“…to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”
Ephesians 3:20-21

Find answers to prayer on our website:

Community Prayer Guide | January 2022

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide January 2022

“Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day.”
Psalm 96:1-2

Pray for local churches to communicate the Gospel together in love, power and creativity.
Pray for your pastor and church leadership team to have the Lord’s vision, joy & wisdom for the new year.

Pray for overflowing joy, connection, and shalom for teachers and students in every classroom.
Pray for all those leading in schools (superintendents, administrators and teachers) to have brave and innovative strategies to educate in new ways, meet students right where they are, and help them holistically grow and learn.

Pray for families to discover ways they can serve together and bless the community around them.
Pray for families to spend quality time together & find their “family purpose & direction” for the coming year.

Pray for God to guide the process and selection of the next Eugene/Springfield Fire Chief.
Pray for the local housing crisis:
For God to lead government, church, business & non-profits to effectively shepherd unhoused people.
Pray for new community partners to continually come to the “table” with solutions.

Pray for God to raise-up business leaders with vision & boldness to advance God’s purposes through business.
Pray for business, church & government leaders to coordinate efforts and increase the local housing supply.

“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.”
Psalm 96:3

“Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him.”
Psalm 98:1

Pray for God to pour out His Spirit upon all artists in our community: music, visual, dance, writers & actors.
Pray for local artists to experience the power and truth of the Gospel and connect with local churches.

Health Care
Because of significant staffing shortages in clinics and hospitals, pray for staffing to be filled.
Pray for working HCPs (Health Care Professionals) to have peace, energy and joy amid the staff shortage.
Pray for the protection, health & strength of all HCPs.

Police & Fire Departments
Pray for our local first responders to have perseverance, strength and encouragement.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.

Pray for God to raise-up media leaders with vision & boldness to advance God’s purposes through media.
Pray for God to guide media leaders in the stories that they promote and highlight.

Pray for all youth to have encouragement and access to participate in local athletic opportunities.
Pray for God to guide the plans and preparations for the 2022 World Championships.
Pray also for God to show Jesus-followers & churches how to serve together during the Championships.

“The LORD has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations.”
Psalm 98:2

Find answers to prayer on our website:

Community Prayer Guide | December 2021

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide December 2021

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”
Isaiah 7:14

Pray for times of refreshing for your church and for all churches in our community.
Pray for your pastoral and church leadership teams to have the Lord’s wisdom and plans for the coming year.
Pray for the Lord to send harvesters into our local harvest, and for people to turn and have faith in Jesus.
Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to fill every local Jesus-follower to both love and speak the truth in love.

Pray for all those leading in schools (superintendents, administrators and teachers) to have brave and innovative strategies to educate in new ways, meet students right where they are, and help them holistically grow and learn.
Pray for overflowing joy for teachers and students in every classroom with laughter, connection, and shalom.
Pray for increased unity and support between educators and the families they serve.
Pray for qualified people to fill all vacant positions in schools.

Pray for God to guide the process and selection of the next Eugene/Springfield Fire Chief.
Pray for every local governments’ mayors, commissioners, councils and staff to have God’s wisdom.
Pray for every government leader to lead from a place of selfless love.
Pray for the local housing crisis: For God to lead government, church, business & non-profits to effectively shepherd unhoused people. Pray for new community partners to continually come to the “table” with solutions.

Pray for peace and kindness to fill businesses who are short-staffed; pray for effective hiring.
Pray for God’s grace for business leaders navigating the season: supply chain, COVID-19 issues, hiring, etc.
Pray for God to raise-up business leaders with vision & boldness to advance God’s purposes through business.
Pray for business, church & government leaders to coordinate efforts and increase the local housing supply.

“His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Isaiah 9:6

“Simeon was there. He took the child in his arms and praised God, saying, ‘Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised. I have seen your salvation . . .’”
Luke 2:28-30

Pray for the Lord’s anointing and drawing power to be on every Christmas and New Year’s artistic effort.
Pray for God to pour out His Spirit upon all artists in our community: music, visual, dance, writers & theater.
Pray for people who are struggling with mental health to express their emotions and find healing through art.

Pray for every family to love & encourage each other actively during the holiday season.
Pray that families would open their homes and hearts to the lonely (seniors, singles, widows, etc.)
Pray for parents to have peace and wisdom to make decisions for their children's highest good.
Ask God to show you how to encourage your family, and bring peace and reconciliation this holiday season.

Health Care
Pray for local health care leadership to have the Lord’s healing plans & wisdom: Lane County Medical Society, Lane County Health, Peace Health, McKenzie Willamette & Local Clinics.
Pray for the protection, health & strength of HCPs (Health Care Professionals).
Pray for God to bring hope to people who are in a “despair epidemic” and for HCPs to effectively treat them.
Pray for HCPs to have peace, wisdom and biblical solutions to treat those suffering from mental illness.
Pray for God’s healing hand to be upon all people suffering with COVID-19.

Police & Fire Departments
Pray for our local first responders to have perseverance, strength and encouragement.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for God to move people of noble character to apply and be hired as first responders.
Pray for first responders and their families to have peace and joy.

Pray for God to guide local media leaders with His wisdom: in radio, newspaper, television and social media.
Pray for local television stations to air local stories that highlight virtue and character.
Pray that the local media would be used to promote stories that help build-up the community.

Pray for God to guide the plans and preparations for the 2022 World Championships:
Pray also for God to show Jesus-followers and churches how to serve together at the Championships.
Pray for all youth coaches to be equipped to lead their teams with encouragement and skill.
Pray for God’s favor and protection for chaplains and Jesus-following coaches serving in university athletics.

“‘…which you have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!’ The child’s father and mother marveled at what was said about him.”
Luke 2:31-33

Find answers to prayer on our website:

Community Prayer Guide | November 2021

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide November 2021

“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.”
Psalm 8:1

Pray the verses below for yourself, your church and all of the area-churches:
I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:17b-19
Pray for your pastor(s) and leadership team to have the Lord’s wisdom and plans for the coming year.

Pray for all those leading in schools (superintendents, administrators and teachers) to have brave and innovative strategies, wisdom, and power to meet high behavioral needs and learning gaps.
Pray for highly qualified people to fill all vacant positions in schools.
Pray for increased unity and support between educators and the families they serve.
Pray for the mental health of students to improve through meaningful connections.

Pray for the process and selection of the next Eugene/Springfield Fire Chief.
Pray for every local governments’ mayors, commissioners, councils and staff to have God’s wisdom.
Pray for every government leader to lead from a place of selfless love.
Pray for the local housing crisis: For God to lead government, church, business & non-profits to effectively shepherd unhoused people.
Pray for new community partners to continually come to the “table” with solutions.

Pray for peace and kindness to cover businesses who are short-staffed; pray for effective hiring.
Pray for business leaders to navigate the current season: supply chain, COVID-19 issues, hiring, etc.
Pray for God to raise-up business leaders with vision & boldness to advance God’s purposes through business.
Pray for business, church & government leaders to coordinate efforts and increase the local housing supply.

“From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and avenger.”
Psalm 8:2

“I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.”
Psalm 7:17

Pray for art and music teachers to have godly inspiration and grace as they prepare for holiday productions.
Pray for God to give artists wisdom and focus to bring healing to our community.
Pray for people who are struggling with mental health to express their emotions through the arts.
Pray for the Lord’s anointing and drawing power to be on every Christ-centered Thanksgiving and Christmas artistic expression.

Pray for parents to have peace and wisdom to make decisions for their children's highest good.
Pray for families through the holiday seasons:
That they would open their homes and hearts to the lonely (seniors, singles, widows, etc).
That families would actively pursue love, clear communication, and reconciliation.
Ask God to show you how to serve your family, and bring peace and reconciliation this holiday season.

Health Care
Pray for God’s healing hand to be upon COVID-19 treatments.
Pray for the protection, health & strength of HCPs (Health Care Providers).
Pray for God to bring hope to people who are in a “despair epidemic” and for HCPs to effectively treat them.
Pray for HCPs to have peace, wisdom and biblical solutions to treat those suffering from mental illness.
Pray for HCPs to provide hope, compassion and truth to those suffering from gender dysphoria.

Police & Fire Departments
Pray for first responders and their families to have peace and joy.
Pray for our local first responders to have strength, encouragement and perseverance.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for God to move people of noble character to apply and be hired as first responders.

Pray for truthful, fair and accurate reporting in all areas of local media.
Pray that the local media would be used to promote stories that help build-up the community.
Pray for encouragement, strength and peace for those who work in media.

Pray for Kid Sports and the YMCA to be fully funded and have virtuous volunteers and coaches.
Pray for God’s favor and protection for chaplains and Jesus-following coaches serving in university athletics.
Pray for God to guide the plans and preparations for the 2022 World Championships; pray also for God to show Jesus-followers and churches how to serve together at the Championships.

“I will praise you, O Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders.”
Psalm 9:1

Find answers to prayer on our website:

Community Prayer Guide | October 2021

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide October 2021

“Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”
John 17:3

“We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.” 2 Thessalonians 1:3
Pray for your church & all local churches: for faith to grow & love for one another to increase.
Pray for times of refreshing, rest and encouragement for your pastoral team and their families.
Pray for local pastors & churches to love each other more & more, being unified as Jesus & the Father are.

Pray for in-person instruction to continue for the good of students; Pray for a positive narrative around in-person instruction to continue.
Pray for unity and selfless love within each building: between administration, staff, families, and students.
Pray for teachers and staff to have wisdom and peace, to rise above controversy and new protocols.
Pray that they have freedom to focus on the students and their passion for teaching.
Pray for God to provide quality teachers and employees for all staffing gaps in schools.

Pray for God’s wisdom to be upon every local governments’ mayors, commissioners, councils and staff.
Pray for every government leader to lead from a place of selfless love.
Pray for the local housing crisis: For God to lead government, church and non-profits to effectively shepherd unhoused people.
Pray for the protection of single parents, kids, the elderly, and youth without stable housing.
Pray for new community partners to continually come to the “table” with solutions.

Pray for more workers to enter into the workforce; pray for the right workers/businesses to find each other.
Pray for God to raise-up business leaders with vision & boldness to advance God’s purposes through business.
Pray for business, church & government leaders to find effective ways to increase the local housing supply.
Pray for business leaders to have God’s wisdom to lead now, and into the next season.

“If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.”
1 Corinthians 15:19

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne.”
Matthew 25:31

Pray for art classes & teachers (music, drama, visual, creative writing) to have creativity and perseverance.
Pray for the PAC Rim Guild, a local Christian art collective, to have the Lord’s vision for their future.
Pray for local musicians to discover Jesus and experience God’s provision.
Pray for the Lord to guide the leaders of the McDonald Theater into a new season.

Because God is… “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families…” Psalm 68:5-6
Pray for senior citizens to be connected with, cared for, and loved.
Pray for single parents to have strength, joy and a healthy circle of good relationships.
Pray for God to strengthen marriages with joy, agape love, and good communication.
Pray for family counselors to have abundant staffing, training and grace to heal hearts.

Health Care
During the current COVID-19 surge, pray for our community to be unified in our health care efforts.
Pray for the protection, health & strength of HCPs (Health Care Providers).
Pray for God to bring hope to people who are in a “despair epidemic” and for HCPs to effectively treat them.
Pray for HCPs to have peace, wisdom and biblical solutions to treat those suffering from mental illness.
Pray for God’s healing & wisdom to be upon COVID-19 treatments; pray for people who need other treatments to be healed and have access to doctors and hospitals.

Police & Fire Departments
Pray for the Oregon State Legislature to allocate abundant resources for local first responders.
Pray for our local first responders to have strength, encouragement and perseverance.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for God to move people of noble character to apply and be hired as first responders.

Pray for local media leaders to have clear vision and grace to report complete stories.
Pray for truthful, fair and accurate reporting in all areas of local media.
Pray for local radio, newspapers and television to release stories that highlight virtue and character.

Pray for God’s wisdom to be upon the “decision makers” of local athletics & the 2022 World Championships.
Pray for families to have wisdom as they balance sporting activities and faith activities.
Pray for safety, protection and peace over every public sporting event.

“All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.”
Matthew 25:32

Find answers to prayer on our website:

Community Prayer Guide | September 2021

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide September 2021

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.”
Luke 11:9

Pray for the love and power of Jesus Christ to be demonstrated and proclaimed by every Jesus-follower.
Pray for times of refreshing, rest and encouragement for your pastoral team and their families.
Pray for the leadership of every local church to receive renewed direction & grace to lead Jesus’ church.
Pray for local pastors & churches to love each other more & more, being unified as Jesus & the Father are.

Pray for unity within each school building, between administration, staff, families, and students.
Pray for teachers to have wisdom and discernment, to rise above controversy and have freedom to focus on the students and their passion for teaching.
Pray for all believers in education to be strengthened with grace, love, and power to bring peace and hope into their environment.

Pray for the Holiday Farm Fire Recovery: for barriers to be removed and the process to be expedited.
Pray for God’s wisdom to be upon every local governments’ mayors, commissioners, councils and staff.
Pray for the increase and effectiveness of transitional, supportive housing for homeless adults and families.
Pray for God to direct government, church and non-profits to effectively shepherd people who are homeless.
Pray for the protection of single parents, kids, the elderly, and youth without stable housing.

Pray for God to raise-up business leaders with vision & boldness to advance God’s purposes through business.
Pray for business & government leaders to find effective ways to increase the local housing supply.
Pray for business leaders to have God’s wisdom to lead now, and into the next season.
Pray for more workers to enter into the workforce; pray for the right workers/businesses to find each other.

“For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Luke 11:10

“It is I who made the earth and created mankind upon it. My own hands stretched out the heavens;
I marshalled their starry hosts.”
Isaiah 45:12

Pray for the Lord’s Spirit to guide the leaders of the Wildish Theater into a new season.
Pray for art classes (music, drama, visual, creative writing) to have new vitality and focus.
Pray for God-honoring writers to have God-inspired thoughts and new opportunities.
Pray for local musicians to discover Jesus and experience God’s provision.

Pray for families to thrive and walk in their God-given purposes in life.
Pray for God to strengthen marriages with joy, agape love, and good communication.
Pray for parents to cultivate health in their lives and the lives of their families.
Pray for senior citizens to be connected with, cared for, and loved.

Health Care
Pray for Christian healthcare providers (HCPs) to be salt, light and loving Christ-ambassadors.
During higher COVID-19 cases, pray for our community to be unified in our health care efforts.
Pray also for the protection, health & strength of HCPs.
Pray for HCPs to have peace, wisdom and biblical solutions to treat those suffering from mental illness.
Pray for God’s healing hand & wisdom to be upon COVID-19 treatments and the administration of the vaccine.

Police & Fire Departments
Pray for the Oregon State Legislature to allocate abundant resources for local first responders.
Pray for our local first responders to have strength, encouragement and perseverance.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for God to move people of noble character to apply and be hired as first responders.
Pray for God to protect our land from wildfires (winds, temperatures, electrical, accidents, etc).

Pray for God to raise up media leaders who love and follow Jesus.
Pray for those in media to have first-hand experiences of God’s love through the Church.
Pray for local radio, newspapers and television to release stories that highlight virtue and character.

Pray for God’s blessing of health to be on all school athletics during the Fall season.
Pray for Christ honoring athletes to be empowered to live, love and speak like Jesus.
Pray for God to lead the plans & community preparations for the World Athletics Championships in July 2022.

“Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness grow with it; I, the Lord, have created it.” Isaiah 45:8

Find answers to prayer on our website:

Community Prayer Guide | August 2021

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide August 2021

“Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.”
Psalm 96:1

Pray for God’s love, power and protection to be upon staff and students at summer camps.
Pray for kids and families to come to follow Jesus through summer outreaches.
Pray for times of refreshing, rest and encouragement for your pastoral team and their families.
Pray for the leadership of every local church to receive renewed direction & grace to lead Jesus’ church.
Pray for local pastors & churches to love each other more & more, being unified as Jesus & the Father are.

Pray for refreshing and renewal for all school staff: personal, relational, professional and spiritual.
There are many job openings in our local schools. Pray that God would fill every position with quality personnel that will lead schools and students into His highest good.
Pray for students who did not return to school after the shutdown. Pray they would be brought into healthy, loving communities and catch up in their learning.
Pray for God to raise up mentors in churches to be weekly caring adults in students’ lives.

Pray for God’s wisdom to be upon every local governments’ mayors, commissioners, councils and staff.
Pray for the Lord to guide Lane County leaders & staff as they assist the Holiday Farm Fire rebuilding efforts.
Pray for God to direct government, church and non-profit efforts to effectively shepherd people who are homeless. Pray that their efforts would unify, and not further divide our community.
Pray for the increase and effectiveness of transitional, supportive housing for homeless adults and families.

Pray for God to raise up business leaders who have vision for advancing kingdom purposes through business.
Pray for business & government leaders to find effective ways to increase the local housing supply.
Pray for business leaders to have God’s wisdom to lead now, and into a post pandemic paradigm.
Pray for more workers to enter into the workforce; pray for the right workers/businesses to find each other.

“Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day.”
Psalm 96:2

“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.”
Psalm 96:3

Pray for the Lord’s Spirit to guide the leaders of the Hult Center as it reopens.
Pray for local visual artists to reengage their projects with God-inspired direction.
Pray for local musicians and concerts to be safe, prosperous, and rebuild a sense of community.

Pray for families to have quality times together that are full of peace and harmony.
Pray for God to strengthen marriages with joy, agape love, and good communication.
Pray for parents to discern truth and have wisdom to lead their kids in life and in the education system.
Pray for families to engage in healthy activities, relationships and affordable resources that strengthen them.

Health Care
Pray for an increase of primary care providers in our community.
Pray for God to empower health care providers (HCPs) with stamina, courage and to provide hope.
Pray for HCPs to have peace and wisdom to treat those suffering from mental illness.
Pray for God’s healing hand & wisdom to be upon COVID-19 treatments and the administration of the vaccine.

Police & Fire Departments
Pray for the Oregon State Legislature to allocate abundant resources for local first responders.
Pray for our local first responders to have strength, encouragement and perseverance.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for God to move people of noble character to apply and be hired as first responders.
Pray for God to protect our land from wildfires (winds, temperatures, electrical, accidents, etc).

Pray for those in media to have first-hand experiences of God’s love through the Church.
Pray for local radio, newspapers and television to release stories that highlight virtue and character.
Pray that the local media would be empowered to report true stories that build trust.
Pray for strong, stable and prosperous local media: radio, TV and newspaper.
Pray for God to raise up media leaders who love and follow Jesus.

Pray for God’s protection to be on outdoor recreation (water, trails, roads).
Pray for God’s blessing to be on high school athletes as they train this summer.
Pray for God to lead the plans & community preparations for the World Athletics Championships in July 2022.
Pray for youth sports to have God’s wisdom & blessing: schools, Kidsports, YMCA and youth football.

“Ascribe to the LORD, all you families of nations, ascribe to the LORD glory & strength.”
Psalm 96:7

Find answers to prayer on our website: