Community Prayer Guide | August 2021

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide August 2021

“Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.”
Psalm 96:1

Pray for God’s love, power and protection to be upon staff and students at summer camps.
Pray for kids and families to come to follow Jesus through summer outreaches.
Pray for times of refreshing, rest and encouragement for your pastoral team and their families.
Pray for the leadership of every local church to receive renewed direction & grace to lead Jesus’ church.
Pray for local pastors & churches to love each other more & more, being unified as Jesus & the Father are.

Pray for refreshing and renewal for all school staff: personal, relational, professional and spiritual.
There are many job openings in our local schools. Pray that God would fill every position with quality personnel that will lead schools and students into His highest good.
Pray for students who did not return to school after the shutdown. Pray they would be brought into healthy, loving communities and catch up in their learning.
Pray for God to raise up mentors in churches to be weekly caring adults in students’ lives.

Pray for God’s wisdom to be upon every local governments’ mayors, commissioners, councils and staff.
Pray for the Lord to guide Lane County leaders & staff as they assist the Holiday Farm Fire rebuilding efforts.
Pray for God to direct government, church and non-profit efforts to effectively shepherd people who are homeless. Pray that their efforts would unify, and not further divide our community.
Pray for the increase and effectiveness of transitional, supportive housing for homeless adults and families.

Pray for God to raise up business leaders who have vision for advancing kingdom purposes through business.
Pray for business & government leaders to find effective ways to increase the local housing supply.
Pray for business leaders to have God’s wisdom to lead now, and into a post pandemic paradigm.
Pray for more workers to enter into the workforce; pray for the right workers/businesses to find each other.

“Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day.”
Psalm 96:2

“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.”
Psalm 96:3

Pray for the Lord’s Spirit to guide the leaders of the Hult Center as it reopens.
Pray for local visual artists to reengage their projects with God-inspired direction.
Pray for local musicians and concerts to be safe, prosperous, and rebuild a sense of community.

Pray for families to have quality times together that are full of peace and harmony.
Pray for God to strengthen marriages with joy, agape love, and good communication.
Pray for parents to discern truth and have wisdom to lead their kids in life and in the education system.
Pray for families to engage in healthy activities, relationships and affordable resources that strengthen them.

Health Care
Pray for an increase of primary care providers in our community.
Pray for God to empower health care providers (HCPs) with stamina, courage and to provide hope.
Pray for HCPs to have peace and wisdom to treat those suffering from mental illness.
Pray for God’s healing hand & wisdom to be upon COVID-19 treatments and the administration of the vaccine.

Police & Fire Departments
Pray for the Oregon State Legislature to allocate abundant resources for local first responders.
Pray for our local first responders to have strength, encouragement and perseverance.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for God to move people of noble character to apply and be hired as first responders.
Pray for God to protect our land from wildfires (winds, temperatures, electrical, accidents, etc).

Pray for those in media to have first-hand experiences of God’s love through the Church.
Pray for local radio, newspapers and television to release stories that highlight virtue and character.
Pray that the local media would be empowered to report true stories that build trust.
Pray for strong, stable and prosperous local media: radio, TV and newspaper.
Pray for God to raise up media leaders who love and follow Jesus.

Pray for God’s protection to be on outdoor recreation (water, trails, roads).
Pray for God’s blessing to be on high school athletes as they train this summer.
Pray for God to lead the plans & community preparations for the World Athletics Championships in July 2022.
Pray for youth sports to have God’s wisdom & blessing: schools, Kidsports, YMCA and youth football.

“Ascribe to the LORD, all you families of nations, ascribe to the LORD glory & strength.”
Psalm 96:7

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