Thank you for your interest in investing your time by serving our CitySalt Kids!
There are many options to get involved. Our Kids Program aims to create a safe and loving environment where kids are encouraged to discover who God is and how much He loves us. We place a high value on fun, and enjoy getting to experience Jesus alongside our youth. Regardless of the level or area of commitment, we value a team environment that offers each volunteer an opportunity to belong, to be encouraged, and to continue growing and learning as we serve God, our families, and our kids together!
Sunday Evening Team
We are always looking for new friends to join the team on Sunday evenings. This would mean signing up for a once-a-month serving opportunity with our kids. We have various age groups and involvement opportunities including teaching, worship, crafts, and support. You would also be part of an ongoing training program and participate in our quarterly Leader Meetings.
Childcare Team
This volunteer group provides childcare for various church events and classes other than during regular church service times. If you have a heart for kids and time to give, this could be a great way to serve parents wanting to participate in a other events or meetings.
If either or both of these are something that you are interested in pursuing, please complete the form below and you will be contacted within the next week!
Process to becoming a CS Kids Ministry Leader:
Complete Leader Application (.pdf)
Complete Background Check Form (.pdf)
Wait To Be Contacted For Approval and Scheduling
“Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”