Thank you for your interest in serving our CitySalt Kids! We see our kids as precious treasures and place a high value on providing a safe place for kids and leaders to experience God’s love as they interact together.
Child and Youth Protection Training
CitySalt is affiliated with the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel and committed to providing a positive, safe, and enjoyable ministry experience for kids. It is our privilege to care for kids by working to create a safe and nurturing environment that fosters spiritual, emotional, and physical health for all participants. This includes promoting best practices and protection for all staff and volunteers from unwarranted accusations.
Kids ministry code of conduct
The following Code of Conduct is a standard expectation for all Foursquare Affiliated Churches.
CitySalt Staff and Volunteers Agree To:
1. Treat children with respect and fairness at all times, regardless of the child’s race, sex, age, or religion.
2. Respond with Christian love and understanding in all situations.
3. Act as a positive role model for children by maintaining an attitude of respect, loyalty, patience, courtesy, and maturity.
4. Dress appropriately and avoid wearing provocative and/or revealing clothing.
5. Engage in appropriate displays of affection, as defined in manual and training videos.
6. Refrain from inappropriate physical interactions as defined in manual and training videos.
7. Refrain from using inappropriate corrective measure as defined in manual and training videos.
8. Refrain from swearing or telling offensive or vulgar jokes.
9. Avoid involving children in inappropriately burdensome or disturbing problems or issues.
10. Refrain from sharing or keeping secrets with children.
11. Do not abuse alcohol or drugs.
12. Refrain from discussing sexual encounters in the presence of children.
13. Do not have or view sexually explicit materials, including any type of pornography.
14. Refrain from staring at or commenting on a child’s body.
15. Refrain from perpetrating any kind of abuse upon any child; this includes, but is not limited to, the following:
a. Verbal abuse: degrading, threatening, cursing
b. Physical abuse: hitting, shaking, slapping, unnecessary restraint
c. Sexual abuse: inappropriate touching, exposing oneself, sexually-oriented conversation
d. Emotional abuse: shaming, humiliating, cruelty
e. Neglect: withholding or denying food, water, clothing, shelter, medical care, freedom of movement, or failure to protect
16. Immediately report concerns or complaints, including suspicions of abuse, about a church staff member, volunteer, or child to the immediate director of the program and to a member of the ministerial staff.
Process to becoming a CS Kids Ministry Leader:
Complete Leader Application (.pdf)
Complete Background Check Form (.pdf)
Wait To Be Contacted For Approval and Scheduling
Forms can be
mailed to:
CitySalt Church
PO Box 5830
Eugene, OR 97405
“Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”