Community Prayer Guide | January 2019

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

One Church - One Day Community Prayer January 2019

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2

Pray for God to give clear vision and plans to every church and ministry leadership team.
Pray that God provides a new warehouse for Love INC, a local ministry that mobilizes churches to serve others.
Pray for local churches & Jesus- followers to demonstrate the love and wisdom of God in public life.
Pray for healthy, good and strong relationships among all pastors and ministry leaders in our community.
Pray for God to refresh, strengthen, and unify local pastors & leaders at the Prayer Summit at Cannon Beach.

Pray for God to lead the process and selection of the next Springfield School Superintendent.
Pray for educators to be refreshed & empowered in order to start 2019 with fresh eyes, empathy, and effectiveness.
Pray that Christian educators would be discerning, and effectively rise above spiritual battles in classrooms, on campuses, and in student lives.
Pray for Christian students and student groups to be more connected and visible at LCC.

Pray for God to strengthen, refresh and provide for single moms and dads.
Pray for God to empower the “TIPS” class that equips foster parents to raise children impacted by trauma.
Pray for struggling adults, teens and children to have hope, be loved and rescued from suicide.
Pray for struggling families to have barriers removed and have access to affordable homes.
Pray for God to strengthen and empower marriages in our community: to love and care for each other, to be healthy models of love for children, and to add to the strength and security of our community.

Pray for peace and safety within and around the new homeless camp on Highway 99.
Pray for the Lord’s shalom in our community narrative and public discourse.
Pray for God’s wisdom, love and direction to be upon all of our government leaders and their families.
Pray for local government housing plans to implement the best solutions for people to be safely housed.
Pray for synergy among non-profits, government & the Church to keep children housed, in school and thriving.

Pray for government and business leaders to have God’s wisdom and guidance in plans for new property development that encourages new businesses/jobs to be established in our community.
Pray for positive, encouraging & supportive relationships among our business, government & faith sectors. Pray for businesses and business leaders to be a vital part of increasing affordable housing.
Pray for national, state and local governments to create policies that strengthen small businesses.
Pray for God’s hand and direction to be on the local tech community’s “Silicon Shire Initiative” (an effort to increase collaboration and supportive infrastructure for our growing tech sector).

Pray for God’s hand to be on the UO dance & music departments; pray for believers to be “salt & light” there. Pray for the Emerald Art Center: for the Lord to guide the selection of new leadership & direction.
Pray for God to guide, bless and provide for the Eugene Opera.
Pray for the Lord to pour out His Spirit upon the Gospel Concert in honor of MLK at the UO.
Pray it would have wide impact and draw many from the community and university.

Health Care
Pray for barriers to be removed and for more resources in ER departments to treat addiction.
Pray for “Stop & Think,” a value-based sexual abstinence program, to be in every middle and high school.
Pray for health care providers to speak truth and bring healing to those struggling with gender dysphoria.
Pray for God to use health care workers, teachers, parents and friends to be empowered to bring hope, healing, and rescue to those struggling with suicidal thoughts.

Police and Fire Departments
Pray for the Lord’s hand to prevent all “false alarm” 911 calls in our community.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for financial provision for all law enforcement budgets: Eugene, Springfield, Junction City & Lane County. Pray for effective collaboration in the multi-agency effort to stop narcotic distribution in our community.
Pray for “dispatch coordination” between agencies to operate with greater wisdom & collaboration.

Pray for truthful, fair and accurate reporting in all areas of local media.
Pray for positive and uplifting stories to be highlighted.
Pray for local media leaders to have clear vision and wisdom to effectively lead our local media organizations. Pray for local TV, Radio and Print Media employees to be guided by God’s hand.

Pray for safety, protection and peace over every public sporting event.
Pray for the Lord’s blessing to be on KidSports Athletics: the kids, staff, coaches and referees.
Pray for God’s blessing, wisdom and protection on all Christ following coaches at every level.
Pray for better training for youth coaches, and for more quality coaches to serve long-term.

Find answers to prayer on our website:

Community Prayer Guide | December 2018

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

One Church - One Day Community Prayer December 2018

“On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11

Pray for Christmas celebrations: for God to empower church/ministry outreaches and events.
Pray for the Lord to draw all people to follow Jesus through Gospel and Christmas presentations.
Pray that God provides a new warehouse for Love INC, a local ministry that mobilizes churches to serve others.
Pray for your pastor’s marriage to be strengthened and nurtured. Pray for their overall well-being: physically, relationally, emotionally and financially.

Pray for school district leaders to wisely steward new funding approved through November’s election.
Pray the funding is used to its fullest potential to benefit the most students.
Pray for God to lead educators in a comprehensive and effective strategy to increase students' reading levels to meet national standards by 3rd grade. Currently, only 52% of local 3rd graders read at grade level.
Pray for Christian educators to cultivate peaceful environments and be ambassadors of peace for students, parents, and their co-workers.
Pray for effective collaboration between school counselors, social service providers and mental health professionals to holistically care for students.

Pray for God to empower the “TIPS” class that equips foster parents to raise children impacted by trauma.
Pray for God to “set the lonely in families:” for isolated people to be welcomed into family & friend gatherings.
Pray for struggling adults, teens and children to have hope, be loved and rescued from suicide.
Pray for struggling families to have barriers removed and have access to affordable homes.
Pray for God to strengthen and empower marriages in our community: to love and care for each other, to be healthy models of love for children, and to add to the strength and security of our community.

Pray for the Lord’s shalom in our community narrative and public discourse.
Pray for God’s wisdom, love and direction to be upon all of our government leaders and their families.
Pray for local government housing plans to implement the best solutions for people to be safely housed.
Pray for clear, open and effective communication between our government agencies and citizens.
Pray for synergy among non-profits, government & the Church to keep children housed, in school and thriving.

Pray for government and business leaders to have God’s wisdom and guidance in plans for new property development that encourages new businesses/jobs to be established in our community.
Pray for positive, encouraging & supportive relationships among our business, government & faith sectors. Pray for businesses and business leaders to be a vital part of increasing affordable housing.
Pray for national, state and local governments to create policies that strengthen small businesses.
Pray for God’s hand and direction to be on the local tech community’s “Silicon Shire Initiative.”

Pray for every local Christmas production to honor God and be graced with His love & presence.
Pray for God’s hand to be on the UO dance & music departments; pray for believers there to be “salt & light.”
Pray for the Emerald Art Center: for the Lord to guide the selection of new leadership & direction.
Pray for God to guide, bless and provide for the Eugene Opera.

Health Care
Pray for Jesus-following health care providers to clearly present Jesus in word and deed.
Pray for health care providers to understand and speak out about the dangers of opioid & marijuana use.
Pray for health care providers to embrace & communicate Godly perspectives on bioethical issues
(i.e. beginning & end of life issues).
Pray for God to use health care workers, teachers, parents and friends to be empowered to bring hope, healing and rescue to those struggling with suicidal thoughts.

Police and Fire Departments
Thank the Lord for His protection over our fire and police departments during the arson ambush
in October.
Pray for God to heal every first responder and their family from the trauma of October’s ambush.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for financial provision for all law enforcement budgets: Eugene, Springfield, Junction City & Lane County.
Pray for God to expose and bring to justice main narcotics dealers. Pray for narcotic distribution to stop.
Pray for “dispatch coordination” between agencies to operate with greater wisdom & collaboration.

Pray for truthful, fair and accurate reporting in all areas of local media.
Pray for positive and uplifting stories to be highlighted.
Pray for local media leaders to have clear vision and wisdom to effectively lead our local media organizations.
Pray for local TV, Radio and Print Media employees to be guided by God’s hand.

Pray for safety, protection and peace over every public sporting event.
Pray for the Lord’s blessing to be on Junction City Athletics: the kids, staff, coaches and referees.
Pray for God’s blessing, wisdom and protection on all Christ following coaches at all levels; college & youth.
Pray for peace & strength for local athletes who face scrutiny and pressure from negative social media.
Pray for better training for youth coaches, and for more quality coaches to serve long-term.

Find answers to prayer on our website:

Community Prayer Guide | September 2018

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

One Church - One Day Community Prayer |  September 2018

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Pray for every local church/ministry to have the Lord’s leading, wisdom & blessing this Fall.
Pray for church/ministry leadership teams:  strong & loving relationships, unity of purpose and clear vision.
Pray for God’s love to be “lived out” in our work life, school life and interactions with our neighbors.
Pray for all who responded to the Gospel through local outreaches, summer camps and ministries to be connected in local church families and discipled.

Pray for teachers to have wisdom to establish routines and develop good student relationships.
Pray for students to experience joy and peace as the school year begins.
Pray for transitioning leadership positions: a new Springfield Superintendent & other leadership positions: For God to lead the hiring processes and appoint the right person to each position.
For God to raise up people who will help reform education practices.
Pray for district staffing and scheduling for the 2018-2019 school year: Wisdom and decisions that lead to a blessed and peaceful school year.

Pray for the Lord’s shalom in our community narrative and public discourse.
Pray for God’s wisdom, love and direction to be upon all of our government leaders and their families.
Pray for peaceful, respectful and fearless conversations & decisions about caring for homeless youth.
Pray for city governments’ “housing” plans, policies & efforts to be fruitful in providing more housing.
Pray for the November voting season: For the Lord’s hand to guide the process and selection of winning-ballot measures and candidates.

Pray for positive, encouraging & supportive relationships among our business, government & faith sectors.
Pray for CEOs & business leaders to have wisdom, supportive friendships, humility and the Lord’s guidance.
Pray for veterans in the workforce to be supported, healed and walked into wholeness.
Pray for God to guide and bless the development of the Eugene Riverfront.
Pray for a wise, positive and godly perspective on creating wealth: For local wealth to express Jesus’ love and be utilized for the greatest good.

Pray for struggling families to have barriers removed and have access to affordable homes.
Pray for God to heal relationships in local families, and for entire families to turn and follow the Lord.
Pray for God to increase the number of foster parents and “Safe Families” to care for vulnerable kids.
Pray for God to strengthen and empower marriages in our community: to love and care for each other, to be healthy models of love for children, and to add to the strength and security of our community.

Pray for God’s blessing and direction to be upon all NCU artists, musicians and choirs.
Pray for the Pacific Rim Art Guild & other visual artists to have inspiration to create God-honoring work.
Pray for the Lord’s hand to guide the professors/instructors of the visual arts & music departments at the UO.
Pray for local Christian dance companies: finances, creativity and God-given opportunities for outreach.

Health Care
Pray for health care providers to grow in compassion and love for the distressed and downcast.
Pray for Christ-following providers to see their occupation as an opportunity to be an ambassador for Christ.
Pray for God to bring hope, healing and rescue to those struggling with suicidal thoughts.  Pray for health care workers, teachers, parents and friends to be empowered to bring hope, healing and rescue.
Pray for health care providers not to be content with temporal, physical healing alone. Pray that their desire for spiritual healing & eternal life grows.

Police and Fire Departments 
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for God’s blessing and protection to be on the “Safely to School” program that First Responders provide.
Pray for new quality and “charactered” recruits to be hired in all agencies in every local community.
Pray for the wellbeing and emotional health of first responders, their spouses and children.

Pray for local media to promote and equip community members to listen and understand one another better.
Pray for local TV, Radio and Print Media employees to be guided by God’s hand.
Pray for truthful, fair and accurate reporting in all areas of local media.
Pray for the Lord’s favor and truth to be on all media reporting of Jesus-centered events.

Pray for safety, protection and peace over every public sporting event.
Pray for the Lord’s blessing to be on Pop Warner programs, athletes, coaches and referees.
Pray for the Lord to draw Christ-following athletes and coaches to the UO, and for godly mentors for them.
Pray for the 2021 World Track & Field Championships in Lane County: God’s hand on all international committee agreements, preparations, and new local development for a fruitful and safe event.

Find answers to prayer on our website: