Community Prayer Guide | August 2018

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

One Church - One Day Community Prayer                               August 2018

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread
and to prayer. . . And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
Acts 2:42, 46b

Pray for all who responded to the Gospel through local outreaches & CityFest to be connected in local church families and discipled.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to increase the power of God’s demonstrated-love in every church/ministry.
Pray for Project Hope: strong relationships with schools, for joy, love and the witness of Jesus.
Pray for pastors and leaders:  strong marriages, personal refreshing and good health.

Pray for students who are behind in school to have access to summer programs and make great gains.
Pray for Project Hope to be a community-building event, where school families connect with each other and local church communities.
Pray for transitioning leadership positions: a new Springfield Superintendent & principal positions:
For God to lead the hiring processes and appoint the right person to each position.
For God to raise up people who will help reform education practices.
Pray for district staffing and scheduling for the 2018-2019 school year: wisdom and decisions that lead to a blessed and peaceful school year.

Pray for God’s wisdom, love and direction to be upon all of our government leaders and their families.
Pray for peaceful, respectful and fearless conversations & decisions about caring for homeless youth.
Pray for city governments’ “housing” plans, policies & efforts to be fruitful in providing more housing.
Pray for the November voting season: For the Lord’s hand to guide the process and selection of winning-ballot measures and candidates.
Pray for the Lord’s shalom in our community narrative and public discourse.

Pray for positive, encouraging & supportive relationships among our business, government & faith sectors.
Pray for CEOs & business leaders to have wisdom, supportive friendships, humility and the Lord’s guidance.
Pray for veterans in the workforce to be supported, healed and walked into wholeness.
Pray for a wise, positive and godly perspective on creating wealth: For local wealth to express Jesus’ love and be utilized for the greatest good.
Pray for God to bless and guide the development of the Eugene Riverfront.

Pray for struggling families to have barriers removed and have access to affordable homes.
Pray for God to heal relationships in local families, and for entire families to turn and follow the Lord.
Pray for families who struggle in the late summer: resources, activities for kids and peace.
Pray for God to increase the number of foster parents and “Safe Families” to care for vulnerable kids.
Pray for God to strengthen and empower marriages in our community: to love and care for each other, to be healthy models of love for children, and to add to the strength and security of our community.

Pray for God’s blessing and direction to be upon all NCU artists, musicians and choirs.
Pray for the Pacific Rim Art Guild & other visual artists to find inspiration to create God-honoring work.
Pray for more voice-over and commercial work for local actors, as the economy improves.
Pray for writers to find inspiration, encouragement & community at the Oregon Christian Writers’ Conference.
Pray for local Christian dance companies: finances, creativity and God-given opportunities for outreach.

Health Care
Pray for Christ-following providers to see their occupation as an opportunity to be an ambassador for Christ.
Pray for health care providers to grow in compassion and love for the distressed and downcast.
Pray for God to bring hope, healing and rescue to those struggling with suicidal thoughts.  Pray for health care workers, teachers, parents and friends to be empowered to bring hope, healing and rescue.
Pray for health care providers not to be content with temporal, physical healing alone.  Pray their desire for spiritual healing & eternal life grows.

Police and Fire Departments
Pray for the “water rescue” crews: God’s guidance, protection & ability to save lives.
Pray for God’s blessing and protection to be on the “Safely to School” program that First Responders provide.
Pray for new quality and “charactered” recruits to be hired in all agencies in every local community.
Pray for all who heard the Gospel in July to grow in Christ & have strong relationships in local churches.
Pray for the wellbeing and emotional health of first responders, their spouses and children.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.

Pray for local TV, Radio and Print Media employees to be guided by God’s hand.
Pray for truthful, fair and accurate reporting in all areas of local media.
Pray for the Lord’s favor and truth to be on all media reporting of Jesus-centered events.
Pray for local media to promote and equip community members to listen and understand one another better.

Pray for safety, protection and peace over every public sporting event.
Pray for the Lord’s blessing to be on KidSports programs, athletes, coaches and referees.
Pray for the Lord to draw Christ-following athletes and coaches to the UO, and for godly mentors for them.
Pray for the 2021 World Track & Field Championships in Lane County: God’s hand on all international committee agreements, preparations, and new local development for a fruitful and safe event.

Find answers to prayer on our website:

Faith, Hope and Charity

This week we break from our theme of Interruptible for an insight from Terry Sheldon...

As a child growing up I romanticized the Cascade mountains. Oregon's volcanic peaks were different than the Rockies’ smooth and sparkly granite, and they weren't clustered together en-masse. Each Cascade peak was a craggy sentinel, and although formed with ancient violence, now stood sleeping. And beckoning.

I looked to them for inspiration and dreamed of climbing their dizzying heights. I was most captivated by the ones closest to Eugene, the Three Sisters. Also known by our settlers as Faith, Hope, and Charity.

We believers know these three descriptors as signs of strong emotional and spiritual health, wonderfully described in the Bible’s love chapter, Corinthians 13. It all seemed to fit together for me as I took up backpacking and mountain climbing in my youth, and as I attempted to learn the lessons of faith, hope and charity in my Christian walk. Both parallel journeys have been rocky and challenging, but rewarding in their own ways.

Awhile back it occurred to me that Corinthians’ lovely three sisters were chronological in our spiritual lives. Faith (North Sister) is a formidable peak. I can compare it to my first realization of the magnitude of my sin. Accepting the Lord requires us to stand up to fear and take a giant leap (of faith). Although I never did attempt North, my spiritual climb has been arduous. A start yes, but with a Doubting Thomas heart. I really hoped for more - the perfecting of my faith.

I grew up admiring my father’s mountain climbing exploits and waited to go with him one day. My chance finally came as a teen, on Hope (Middle Sister). The climb was rough. We were on the wrong side of a ridge and got lost. We triggered a small rock slide, resulting in a smashed finger. Then clouds shrouded the mountain by mid-afternoon and we were forced to turn back. My summit hopes were unfulfilled, but they would remain.

I would eventually reach the summit of Hope in my early twenties. It was glorious, but not without hard lessons along the way. My climbing buddy and I overcame poor planning, running out of water, sunburns and having to navigate the forest by moonlight after our flashlights died. In life, our day-to-day hope is always out there in front of us, as it should be. Without it we would lack motivation for what’s ahead. And without going forth, we would not grow and learn. But hope is not the endgame.

The faith, hope and charity progression seems tougher as it goes along. Learning to love and to be loved WELL is an inevitable struggle, and one of life’s hardest lessons. A few years later, my Charity (South Sister) experience was equal in its struggle, and its payoff. What started out to be a misty and cold hike through Charity’s lower reaches became a wickedly windy and wet slog up its southern ridge. Four of our seven-person team had turned around earlier, my father included. He was not happy, but trusted my judgement. The three of us who remained continued on, not at all sure how it would end.

But a glimmer in my imagination urged me on, as I sensed a unique mountain-top experience ahead. My fellow climbers had a similar expectation. We were a band of brothers, and we bonded in our struggle. Then it happened. Blue sky finally peeked out between the swirling curtain of clouds. As we reached Charity’s top under clear cobalt blue skies, we gazed out in astonishment across a flat cloud floor below us. It was almost 360 degrees of brilliant white, with all the Cascade peaks jutting up and out, North to South. I was on top of the world, and it was a sight and experience I will never forget.

Learning to love God and people is similar. It starts with youthful naiveté, then comes struggles with people that challenge our self-esteem, and hard events that can shake us to the core. But if we hang together and press ahead, and stay open and committed and humble, our love is purified and enhanced. True love (God's love) is indeed breathtaking. Personally, I believe I've just scratched the surface.

Let’s continue the climb, with courageous faith, with constant hope and with relentless love.


About the Author

Terry is a man in constant motion to explore new horizons. He has a thirst for new places and faces, and a deep love for the natural world - with a weakness for waterfalls and sunsets. All of this venturing out helps to both ground and inspire him, because it opens him up to people, with their vast, collective array of experiences, outlooks and responses.

He finds all of this fascinating and sees that it has encouraged the growth of something crucial in his Christian development: empathy and compassion toward his brothers and sisters on this planet.


Community Prayer Guide | June 2018

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

One Church - One Day Community Prayer                                   June 2018

Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.” 
Acts 2:38-39

Pray for God’s love and power in the united demonstration and proclamation of the Gospel.
Pray for the Lord’s Spirit to equip every Jesus-follower to share their faith & the Gospel with others: Pray for joy, boldness and opportunities.
Pray for a genuine Jesus-love to bring new believers into the fellowship of every church in our community.
Pray for the Lord’s Spirit to be poured out and draw everyone in our community to know and follow Jesus.

Pray for transitioning leadership positions: a new Springfield Superintendent & many principal positions.  Pray for God to lead the hiring processes and appoint the right person to each position.
Pray for students struggling or behind in school to have access to summer programs and to make great gains.
Pray for Project Hope to be a community-building event, where school families connect with each other and local church communities.
Pray for district staffing and scheduling this summer for the 2018-2019 school year: wisdom and decisions that lead to a blessed and peaceful school year.

Pray for struggling families to have barriers removed and have access to affordable homes.
Pray for God to heal relationships in local families, and for entire families to turn and follow the Lord.
Pray for God to increase the number foster parents and “Safe Families” to care for vulnerable kids.
Pray for God to strengthen and empower marriages in our community: to love and care for each other,  to be healthy models of love to children, and to add to the strength and security of our community.

Pray for peace, safety and God’s light to be upon people on the streets of downtown Eugene.
Pray for greater synergy and fruitfulness through cross-agency collaboration (cities, county, water
& electric, first responders and schools): shared vision, integrity, trust, and clear communication.
Pray for God to guide the county and cities’ efforts to increase affordable housing units.
Pray for God’s wisdom, love and direction to be upon all of our government leaders and their families.

Pray for a wise, positive and godly perspective on creating wealth: Pray for local wealth to express Jesus’ love and be utilized for the greatest good.
Pray for God’s hand and guidance upon the Lane County Community & Economic Development’s collaboration for developing the economy and improving our community.
Pray for positive, encouraging & supportive relationships among our business, government & faith sectors.
Pray for more skilled workers in trade vocations, and that people apply for available jobs.
Pray for new quality businesses to be invited and established in our community.

Pray for God’s presence and provision for the Eugene Ballet and the Lane Arts Council.
Pray for empowered and gifted artistic expression at CityFest: music and live visual art.
Pray for the Pacific Rim Art Guild as they move to a new location: God’s favor, new open doors and provision.
Pray for the Lord to guide high school music & theater departments in the selection of future productions.
Pray for the Lord’s Spirit to move upon “Art and the Vineyard,” and upon the Maude Kerns Art Center.

Health Care
Pray for God to bring hope, healing and rescue to those struggling with suicidal thoughts.  Pray for health care workers, teachers, parents and friends to be empowered to bring hope, healing and rescue.
Pray for health care providers to see the detrimental effects of abortion, sexual impurity & transgenderism.
Pray for health care providers to come alongside the church to teach on important bioethical issues.
Pray for Christ-following providers to see their occupation as an opportunity to be an ambassador for Christ.

Police and Fire Departments 
Pray for peace and safety over all Fourth of July activities.
Pray for all city, county and state first responder (police, fire and sheriff) leadership teams: God’s blessing, truth, wisdom, clear communication, & strong, healthy working relationships.
Pray for new quality and “charactered” recruits to be hired in all agencies in every local community.
Pray for officers who train new recruits:  encouragement, strength, wisdom and joy.
Pray for the well-being and emotional health of first responders, their spouses and children.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.

Pray for local TV, Radio and Print Media employees: to be guided by God’s hand.
Pray for truthful, fair and accurate reporting in all areas of local media.
Pray for local media to promote and equip community members to listen and understand one another better.
Pray for the Lord’s favor and truth upon all media reporting Jesus-centered events.

Pray for safety, protection and peace over every public sporting event.
Pray for the Lord’s blessing on Little League and Pop-Warner programs, athletes, coaches and referees.
Pray for the Lord to draw Christ-following athletes and coaches to the UO, and for godly mentors for them.
Pray for God’s favor, provision and direction towards a new UO golf facility.
Pray for the 2021 World Track & Field Championships in Lane County: God’s hand on all international committee agreements, preparations, and new local development for a fruitful and safe event.

Find answers to prayer on our website:

"Prayer & Fasting | April 25-June 27th"

Spiritual Warfare: Prayer & Fasting by Lee Schnabel
Message Audio from Sunday, April 22nd

On Sunday, April 22nd Pastor/Missionary Lee Schnabel shared a timely and important teaching on the topic of Prayer and Fasting. He challenged us to use this tool to intercede on behalf of our leaders as we contend for their best by seeking God’s provision, protection, peace and presence in all things. Lee also invited the congregation to consider signing up to pray and fast each Wednesday (from April 25-June 27th) as an ongoing support to those who carry the heart and vision for ministry that flows from our collective efforts together as a church.

Prayer and Fasting Teaching Notes: Outline by Lee Schnabel
Increases Spiritual Formation
1.     Demonstrates humility: Psalm 35:13   
2.     Promotes self-control: 1 Corinthians 9:27, Isaiah 58:5
3.     Provides spiritual strength: Matthew 4:2

Extends to us Key Personal Benefits
1.     Greater spiritual authority over the works of darkness: Mark 9:29
2.     Increased manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit: Luke 4:14
3.     Allows us to see circumstances from God’s point of view: Isaiah 58:8
4.     Aids us in knowing God’s will: Isaiah 58:9

Conclusion: There are several exhortations in Scripture to pray for the leaders who provide oversight and spiritual guidance for believers. These include: Philippians 1:19, Hebrews 13:18, Ephesians 6:19-20

Prayer and Fasting Focus | Spring 2018

(April 25 through June 27)
The following is a list of couples and individuals who currently provide leadership for various ministries on behalf of CitySalt. Leadership as it applies to this list is defined as individuals who have agreed to carry responsibility in service to a particular area or group represented in our community of believers. This list does not minimize the contribution of all who participate and support a full spectrum of ministry expressions throughout our congregation, but recognizes those who have committed themselves to roles that provide vision, care and communication that helps to build and strengthen areas of our shared life together as a church.

  • Dusty and Julie Johnson - Dusty serves as Lead Pastor and oversees vision, ministry team and business of the church. Julie oversees our greeting team and is active in events and services.
  • John Rice (Laura) - John serves as Associate Pastor and is involved with discipleship, teaching and overseeing our prayer ministry that undergirds the ministry of our church.
  • Mike and Britni D’Eliso - Mike serves as Assistant Pastor overseeing outreach, logistics, security while participating as part of the teaching team. Britni oversees our Salt Blog and our team of devotional writers.
  • Pam Sand (Jared) - Pam serves as our Kids Ministry Director providing leadership for Sunday classes for young people.
  • Denise Jubber (Ron) - Denise serves as our SoulCare Director providing teaching and guidance for spiritual direction, Triad groups and self awareness curriculum.
  • Randi Nelson (Nolan) - Randi serves on our teaching team.
  • Sterling and Alisha Camden - Sterling serves as our Music Ministry Director and Alisha serves on our teaching team.
  • Margaret and Bill Fairchild - Margaret serves as our Women’s Ministry Director and serves on our church council. Bill oversees a men’s small group.
  • Darla and Mark Beardsley - Darla serves as our Communications Coordinator overseeing calendar, newsletter and website and Mark serves on our church council.
  • Susie Ralls (Steve Fisher) - Susie serves as our church bookkeeper and co-leads a women’s small group with Sara-Etha Schneider.
  • JoVone Kettwig (Bob) - JoVone serves as our Hospitality & Kitchen Coordinator.
  • Heather Woody - Heather serves on our church council and is an integral support for Women’s and Kids Ministry
  • Terry and Colby Sheldon - Terry serves on our church council. Terry and Colby also oversee our potluck and food service for Big Table Sunday’s.
  • Mark Gerber (Dee Dee) - Mark serves on our church council.
  • Stefan Schnabel (Jennelle) - Stefan serves on our church council.

At this time we are inviting you and others to a special season of prayer and fasting on behalf of these leaders. We ask that you consider how you might appreciate, encourage and most importantly pray for our leaders as they continue to provide vision, care and opportunities for people to connect and grow in their relationship with God and others.


We have summarized a number of ways you might consider praying and asking God to care for our leaders. The list is divided into two categories: Anointing for Service and Spiritual Covering as they serve.

Ways You Can Pray for CitySalt Leaders

Increased Anointing for Service (Impartation of the Holy Spirit)

  • Discernment - Praying for supernatural awareness of the Holy Spirit’s activity. May our leaders receive timely insight to situations and seasons affecting those who they serve. May they have an increased ability to see and partner with the work God is doing in their own lives and those around them.

  • Wisdom - Praying for supernatural ideas, answers and direction for themselves and our congregation. Would they walk in a wisdom that goes beyond worldly knowledge, experience, training or education. May they possess creative solutions for complicated problems that come up with those they serve.

  • Courage - Praying for supernatural boldness to stand firm in godliness and tenacity for Kingdom purposes.  May our leaders be strengthened to trust God, stand strong and step out on behalf of our church and for others.

  • Favor - Praying for supernatural empowerment and anointing to see and trust God as they respond with faith to God’s leading. May the places they exercise faith and obedience be met with God’s favor to open doors that need to open for expansion and close doors for their protection. Would they simply follow a trail that has already been blazed by the Lord.

  • Maturity - Praying for supernatural breakthroughs and spiritual growth. May our leaders have greater insight and awareness of God’s work. May they grow their ability to lead authentically and serve with motives and a heart of love that reflect God’s Kingdom activity.

Spiritual Covering (Over their lives as they serve)

  • Protection - Praying for a supernatural protection against powers, principalities and strategies of the evil one that intend on thwarting God’s work in and through our leaders. May God strengthen our leaders in common vulnerabilities (like distraction, division, temptation, discouragement and depression) that may keep them from living and serving from a place of spiritual health and fullness.

  • Provision - Praying for a supernatural provision for finances and necessary resources as they trust God with their time and service to Him. May the Lord maximize their efforts as they commit and at times limit other vocational pursuits for building up others and extending the ministry of our church.

  • Peace - Praying for a supernatural sense of God’s presence in all things. Not necessarily an absence of conflict or tension, but a growing awareness and trust that God is at work and we are simply partnering with what He is already doing.

  • Presence - Praying for a supernatural empowering for their current assignments and duties. May God provide assurance, confidence, gifting, skills and abilities to serve and steward the work of God through specific area of service.

Special Note: For more practical guidelines on fasting for a longer periods of time you can go to and search keyword “fasting” to find Bible studies and other excellent resources.

Community Prayer Guide | April 2018

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

One Church - One Day Community Prayer                                  April 2018

“Pray for us, that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.”   
2 Thessalonians 3:1

Pray for God’s power in the united demonstration and proclamation of the Gospel.
Pray for the Lord’s Spirit to equip every Jesus-follower to share their faith & the Gospel with others.
Pray for a genuine love to bring new believers into the fellowship of every church in our community.
Pray for pastors’ and ministry leaders’ families:  love, wisdom, strength, good communication & health.

Pray for churches & ministries to start new outreaches on the LCC campus and high school campuses.
Pray for more mental health resources and personnel in every school.
Pray for partnerships to increase between local service agencies and schools, and for resources to be more accessible to students.
Pray for the silent needs and cries of youth to be seen and addressed.
Pray for Christian teachers and students to speak life and peace to those struggling because of recent suicides and school shootings.

Pray for God to increase the number foster parents and “Safe Families” parents to care for vulnerable kids.
Pray for struggling families to have barriers removed and advocates assist them in becoming strong & stable.
Pray for parents to prioritize their families and provide secure loving homes for their marriages & children.
Pray for God to heal relationships in local families, and for entire families to turn and follow the Lord.
Pray for an increase of local affordable housing units and for God to use His people to be part of the solution.

Pray for God’s wisdom, love and direction to be upon all of our government leaders and their families.
Pray for God to guide the process & selection for the new Springfield Development & Public Works Director.
Pray for God to guide the county and cities’ efforts to increase affordable housing units.
Pray for the Junction City, Springfield and Eugene downtown areas to be safe, welcoming and peaceful.
Pray for a positive and constructive “community narrative:” reconciliation, respectful public discourse, discussions and efforts for the best community outcomes.

Pray for peaceful and wise agreements between the city of Eugene and landowners to open up land use for the industrial property needed for new businesses to be established.
Pray for new quality businesses to be invited and established in our community.
Pray for positive, encouraging and wise relationships among our business, government & faith sectors.
Pray for more skilled workers in trade vocations, and that people apply for available jobs.

Pray for the Vistra Gallery, Raven Frameworks & White Lotus: for the Lord’s Spirit to draw people to Jesus.
Pray for empowered and gifted artistic expression at CityFest: Music, dance, visual art and more!
Pray for the Musicians’ Emergency Medical Association: for God’s blessing and provision for health care.
Pray for the Pacific Rim Art Guild as they move to a new location: God’s favor, new open doors and provision.
Pray for vision, direction, finances and a permanent home for the Elrod Foundation, a youth arts/counseling organization in Lane County.

Health Care
Pray for God to bring hope, healing and rescue to those struggling with suicidal thoughts.  Pray for health care workers, teachers, parents and friends to be empowered to bring hope, healing and rescue.
Pray for health care providers to have wisdom and words to affirm peoples’ true identity in gender identification conversations.
Pray for health care providers to encourage sexual purity and for God’s favor to be on “Stop & Think” Presentations (sexual abstinence) in high schools.
Pray for health care providers to be a clear voice for the sanctity of life.

Police and Fire Departments
Pray for God’s favor on chaplains and for new chaplaincy programs to start in all First Responder agencies.
Pray for new quality and “charactered” recruits to be hired in all agencies.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for the well-being and emotional health of first responders, their spouses and children.
Pray for positive and encouraging relationships between first responders and community members.
Pray for strength, peace, and refreshing for all 911 Communication Center and Dispatch workers.

Pray for truthful, fair and accurate reporting in all areas of local media.
Pray for local media to promote and equip community members to listen and understand one another better.
Pray for Register Guard employees during the transition to GateHouse Media: peace, provision & guidance.
Pray for the Lord’s favor and truth upon all media reporting of CityServe and CityFest activities.

Pray for the Lord’s blessing on YMCA programs, athletes, coaches and referees.
Pray for safety, protection and peace over every public sporting event.
Pray for coaches at all levels to be empowered to encourage, teach, inspire and lead with integrity.
Pray for the 2021 World Track & Field Championships in Lane County: God’s hand on all international committee agreements, preparations, and new local development for a fruitful and safe event.

Check out the answers to prayer on our website: