Community Prayer Guide | February 2018

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

One Church - One Day Community Prayer                            February 2018

“Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then …I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.”  Philippians 1:27

Pray for Jesus-followers to love the people of our community and live boldly for Jesus.
Pray for the Lord’s priorities of first love & agape love to be preeminent in the lives of all local Jesus-followers.
Pray for the Prince of Peace to reign in shalom over Lane County: peace, wholeness & prosperity of soul through the Gospel of Jesus.
Pray for God’s power in the united demonstration and proclamation of the Gospel.
Pray for Hispanic pastors & leaders: God’s provision, power, blessing and fruitfulness upon their churches.  

Pray for Jesus-following educators to “seek first” the Kingdom daily, so they clearly see God’s priorities in their sphere of influence and live above the burdens and demands of a heavy workload.
Pray for Christians at LCC and UO to be filled with the Spirit of love, power, and a sound mind.
Pray they cast off fear and boldly share their lives and faith.
Pray for many college students to be drawn by the Holy Spirit, and invited by friends, to the February 12th Evangelistic Outreach on the UO campus, called Come and See. Pray for each person who attends to connect in a local church/ministry.
Pray for movement and momentum towards every local school having a group of “Safe Families” available to host and provide short-term care for vulnerable students.

Pray for struggling families to have barriers removed and advocates assist them in becoming strong & stable.
Pray for parents to prioritize their families and provide secure loving homes for their marriages & children.
Pray for God to heal relationships in local families, and for entire families to turn and follow the Lord.
Pray for more affordable housing units for our community, for God to use His people to be part of the solution, and for God to remove barriers for everyone in need of housing.

Pray for God to shepherd the county and cities’ efforts to increase affordable housing units.
Pray for the Junction City, Springfield and Eugene downtown areas to be safe, welcoming and peaceful.
Pray for God’s wisdom, love and direction to be upon all of our government leaders and their families.
Pray for a positive and constructive “community narrative:” reconciliation, respectful public discourse,    discussions and efforts for the best community outcomes.

Pray for encouraging and wise relationships that build trust among our business, government & faith sectors.
Pray for God’s hand to be on new development projects, so they become community-wide assets for good:
The Knight Campus: cooperation and selfless wisdom among community and campus goals.
The Riverfront redevelopment: a united vision and agreement among developers and the city.
The 5th St. Market/Inn expansion: the Lord’s blessing on the plans and construction. 

Pray for God’s power and blessing on the Pacific Rim Art Guild as they share their artistic gifts with local non-profits, DHS offices and foster children through art classes.
Pray for Jesus-following artists & musicians to have more opportunities to share their faith through their gifts.
Pray for God to lead the Cuthbert Amphitheater staff as they select artists for the coming season.
Pray for artists, musicians and performers to be drawn to Jesus and the Gospel, so that they can find the peace and meaning they are looking for.

Health Care
Pray that health care providers be a clear voice for the sanctity of life.
Pray for quality health care to be accessible to all who have need in our community.
Pray for harmony & good working relationships with hospital administration, employees & unions.
Pray for health care providers to be empowered and effective in treating mental illness, substance abuse, and those struggling with suicide.
Pray for Jesus-following health care providers to mentor students & serve worldwide via medical missions.

Police and Fire Departments
Pray for strength, peace, and refreshing for all 911 Communication Center and Dispatch workers.
Pray for new quality and “charactered” recruits to be hired in all agencies.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for the well-being and emotional health of first responders, their spouses and children.
Pray for God to lead the process and selection of the next Police Chief for the Eugene Police Department.
Pray for positive and encouraging relationships between first responders and community members.

Pray for the Lord’s favor and truth upon all media reporting of CityServe and CityFest activities.
Pray for local media to promote and equip community members to listen and understand one another better.
Pray for local stories to break down negative stereotypes and help neighbors love neighbors.
Pray for truthful, fair and accurate reporting in all areas of local media.
Pray for God to lead the Register Guard in the 2018 “community focus” series of stories.

Pray for the Lord’s blessing on the YMCA organization, programs, athletes, coaches and referees.
Pray for safety, protection and peace over every public sporting event.
Pray for coaches at all levels to be empowered to encourage, teach, inspire and lead with integrity.
Pray for negative sexual agendas to be diffused in all sporting organizations, and for stories of purity to be celebrated and promoted.

Check out the answers to prayer on our website:

Community Prayer Guide | January 2018

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

One Church - One Day Community Prayer                       January 2018

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
2 Corinthians 5:17

Pray for pastors & leadership teams to be empowered with unified vision, wisdom and plans for the new year.
Pray for the health of pastors and leaders: spiritually, physically, their marriages, finances & friendships.
Pray for Jesus-followers in our community to love one another and all of our neighbors more and more.
Pray the Numbers 6:24-26 blessing over our community: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” 

Pray for Christian educators to walk in the Spirit daily, and see specific students at specific moments who need God-inspired specific interactions.
Pray for Christian students to unite to pray for their campuses, and gain a heart for their peers who are in darkness. 
Pray they respond with acts of love and Gospel conversation.
Pray for peace, protection, and God-inspired actions to address behavioral unrest in all schools.
Pray for students & families to find community in local churches & God’s people through school partnerships.

Pray for God to heal relationships in local families, and for entire families to turn and follow the Lord.
Pray for the 200+ teen parents in our community to find and access the support that they need.
Pray for the “Marriage Team” ministry to gain more coaches & for a strong local network of marriage support.
Pray for God’s blessing on all parenting classes, and for parents to be equipped to love & lead their children.
Pray for more affordable housing units for our community, for God to use His people to be part of the solution, and for God to remove barriers for everyone in need of housing.

Pray for the Lord’s blessing, wisdom and grace to be upon all of our government leaders.
Pray for a positive and constructive “community narrative:” reconciliation, respectful public discourse, discussions and efforts for the best community outcomes.
Pray for all new planning for land use, parks, transportation, and economic development to proceed with a habit of cooperation among private & public groups. 
Pray for government agencies to work together with greater synergy and effectiveness:
The county, cities, utility companies, schools, first responders, etc.

Pray for a greater partnership between business and education sectors to train more people in trade skills.
Pray for business leaders to train and mentor younger leaders in virtue, skill and humility.
Pray for encouraging and wise relationships that build trust among our business, government & faith sectors.
Pray for new businesses to start, and established businesses to move to our community in order to create more family-wage jobs.

Pray for Jesus-following artists to develop their gifts/talents and express them in our community.
Pray for deliverance & healing from drug addiction for musicians, actors, writers & visual artists.
Pray for the Lord’s vision and clear direction for the leaders of the Pacific Rim Art Guild.
Pray for artists, musicians and performers to be drawn to Jesus and the Gospel, so that they can find the peace and meaning they are looking for.

Health Care
Pray for “end of life care” to be more holistic to maximize the quality of life.
Pray health care providers are a voice for the sanctity of life.
Pray for those with unexpected pregnancies to pursue help through Dove Medical and other encouraging providers.
Pray for harmony & good working relationships with hospital administration, employees & unions.
Pray for health care providers to be empowered and effective in treating mental illness and substance abuse.
Pray for God’s hope & love to intervene for those struggling with suicidal thoughts. 
Pray for a decrease in the suicide rate (The Lane County suicide rate has almost doubled this year).

Police and Fire Departments 
Pray for new quality and “charactered” recruits to be hired in all agencies.
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for the well-being and emotional health of first responders, their spouses and children.
Pray for wise, experienced and empowered chaplains to be established in all agencies.
Pray for God to lead the process and selection of the next Police Chief for the Eugene Police Department.
Pray for positive and encouraging relationships between first responders and community members.

Pray for God to lead the Register Guard in the 2018 “community focus” series of stories.
Pray for local media to promote and equip community members to listen and understand one another better.
Pray for local stories to break down negative stereotypes and help neighbors love neighbors.
Pray for truthful, fair and accurate reporting in all areas of local media.

Pray for God to lead all of the preparations for the 2021 World Track and Field Championships:  new facilities, community readiness, security and new infrastructure.
Pray for safety, protection and peace over every public sporting event.
Pray for coaches at all levels to be empowered to encourage, teach, inspire and lead with integrity.
Pray for funding and the fruition of the Eugene Civic Alliance’s vision to build a new sports and recreation complex for children on the former Civic Stadium site.
Pray for negative sexual agendas to be diffused in all sporting organizations, and for stories of purity to be celebrated and promoted.
Pray for the Lord’s blessing on the YMCA organization, programs, athletes, coaches and referees.

Community Prayer Guide | December 2017

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

One Church - One Day Community Prayer                    December 2017

And the angel said to them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”  Luke 2:10-11

Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower every Christmas service and outreach this season.
Pray for Jesus-followers in our community to love one another and all of our neighbors more and more.
Pray for the beauty of Christ’s Advent to lead people to pursue Jesus and His kingdom.
Pray the Numbers 6:24-26 blessing over our community: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” 

Pray for Christian educators to walk in the Spirit daily, and see specific students at specific moments who need God-inspired specific interactions.
Pray for Christian students to unite and pray for their campuses, and gain a heart and passion for their peers who are in darkness. 
Pray they respond with acts of love and Gospel conversation.
Pray for peace, protection, and God-inspired actions to address behavioral unrest in all schools.
Pray for students and families to have the peace of God in their homes during Christmas break, and be drawn to Christ-centered worship gatherings and community.

Pray for God to heal relationships in local families, and for entire families to turn and follow the Lord.
Pray for the 200+ teen parents in our community to find and access to the support that they need.
Pray for the “Marriage Team” ministry to gain more coaches & for a strong local network of marriage support.
Pray for God’s blessing on all parenting classes, and for parents to be equipped to love & lead their children.

Pray for the Lord’s blessing, wisdom and grace to be upon all of our government leaders.
Pray for a positive and constructive “community narrative:” reconciliation, respectful public discourse, discussions and efforts for the best community outcomes.
Pray for all new planning for land use, parks, transportation, and economic development to proceed with a habit of cooperation among private & public groups. 
Pray for government agencies to work together with greater synergy and effectiveness: The county, cities, utility companies, schools, first responders, etc.

Pray for new businesses to start, and established businesses to move to our community in order to create more family-wage jobs.
Pray for a greater partnership between business and education sectors to train more people in trade skills.
Pray for business leaders to train and mentor younger leaders to build virtue, skill and humility.
Pray for encouraging and wise relationships that build trust among our business, government & faith sectors.

Pray for God’s power & truth to reveal Jesus through all musical and artistic Christmas expressions.
Pray for deliverance & healing from drug addiction for musicians, actors, writers & visual artists.
Pray for the Lord’s vision and clear direction for the leaders of the Pacific Rim Art Guild.
Pray for artists, musicians and performers to be drawn to Jesus and the Gospel, so that they can find the peace and meaning they are looking for.

Health Care
Pray for “end of life care” to be more holistic to maximize the quality of life.
Pray health care providers are a voice for the sanctity of life.
Pray those with unexpected pregnancies to pursue help through Dove Medical and other encouraging providers.
Pray for harmony & good working relationships with hospital administration, employees & unions.
Pray for health care providers to be empowered and effective in treating mental illness and substance abuse.
Pray for God’s hope & love to intervene for those struggling with suicidal thoughts.
Pray for a decrease in the suicide rate (The Lane County suicide rate has almost doubled this year).

Police and Fire Departments 
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for the well-being and emotional health for first responders, their spouses and children.
Pray for wise, experienced and empowered chaplains to be established in all agencies.
Pray for God to lead the process and selection of the next Police Chief for the Eugene Police Department.
Pray for new quality and “charactered” recruits to be hired in all agencies.
Pray for positive and encouraging relationships between first responders and community members.

Pray for local media to promote and equip community members to listen, and understand one another better.
Pray for God to lead the Register Guard in the 2018 “community focus” series of stories.
Pray for truthful, fair and accurate reporting in all areas of local media.
Pray for local stories to break down negative stereotypes and help neighbors love neighbors.

Pray for the Lord’s blessing on the KidSports organization, athletes, coaches and referees.
Pray for coaches at all levels to be empowered to encourage, teach, inspire and lead with integrity.
Pray for funding and the fruition of the Eugene Civic Alliance’s vision to build a new sports and recreation complex for children on the former Civic Stadium site.
Pray for safety, protection and peace over every public sporting event. 

“Creation Contrasts”

Devotional originally posted December 28, 2016

On my long backpacking trip in the Wallowa Wilderness last summer, I was struck by the contrasting extremes of the natural world surrounding me. The terrain was either harsh or beautiful, life-sustainingly useful or life-threatening - and frequently both, side by side. The extremes were not just noticeable, they seemed at times contradictory. Really Lord, mosquitoes in this drop-dead gorgeous lake valley?

Abrasive and unyielding granite rocks next to delicate and colorful wildflowers. Freezing cold ice and snow draining into refreshing, gurgling streams, which of course sustain wildflowers, animals and humans. High and steep mountain barriers that make passage extremely hard, dotted with delicate fir trees to enrich our oxygen, provide shade and campfire fuel.

Then the absolute delicious feeling of living life in its euphoric fullness, walking in lock-step with a realization of possible physical peril. Would my next step be misplaced, casting me down a rocky cliff? Would my stomach violently reject all the lightweight but inhumane freeze-dried food I was consuming? Would I encounter a bear at the worst time by surprising her with cubs nearby?

Yes, the wilderness was extreme, but also for me, a photo-collage metaphor of everyday life back in Comfortville. There are plenty of emotional contrasts in our 9 to 5 as well. We say we take the good with the bad, but do we handle both well? We crave security, love and comfort, but we also get insecurity, heartache, and anxiety.

Success and failure, to borrow that word pair, are complete opposites, right? But are they really? Does failure amount to a terrible and permanent ending? And does success equal happiness and contentment, as some sort of moral achievement? Or are there hidden components of each for us to get to know, aspects more useful or dangerous than we might assume?

Success can satisfy and reward us for our efforts, but it can also produce arrogance and buffer us from Godly compassion. Failure can plunge us deep into self-absorbed despair, or it can make us rich, deep-pool people who find a way to “win” in a more subtle and rewarding way. Am I suggesting failure is the better result? Not necessarily, but perhaps with both contrasts, it's important to experience each in its mature fullness, and that we treat both with much care.

"Eternal Thanksgiving"

Devotional originally posted August 11, 2016

This human being (or is that “being human”) gig is not an easy one. We live in a crazy, complicated and contentious culture where terrorism, mass shootings and random violence are becoming so commonplace that the shock of these events threatens to give way to resignation. This year we have the added craziness of a political system gone haywire to make sense of. Too often I still find myself frustrated by people, events or circumstances that plague this fallen world. It would be easy to allow these feelings to take me down the all too familiar roads of anger and resentment or worry and depression.

Sometimes I wonder where God is amidst all of this turmoil? I must admit that there have been times when it feels as if God has abandoned us and left us here to get through this world on our own…  but then I realize that God is right where God has always been: Within. Within me, within you, within the sunset and the rainbow, whether we recognize it or not we are interconnected by His internal, eternal presence. God will always live within our hearts and souls and no terrorist or politician can change that.

James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Some years ago, I entered a treatment program to overcome an addictive behavior.  One of the most important parts of my rehab was to write a page or two in a journal at the end of each day. The idea was to reflect on what went well and what did not go so well and to learn from the experience. I always ended my journal entries by listing three things for which I am grateful. The gratitude entries didn’t have to be anything major because remembering to be grateful for the little things can help keep us grounded. I remember one night being grateful for rose petals, bottle-caps, and opposable thumbs.

One of my best defenses still, against the world, is to keep adding to that gratitude list. The simple act of writing down those people, events, and circumstances that are blessings, helps me better appreciate the experience of the present moment.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.  ― Bill Keane

After all… How can I continue to operate in frustration when I am thinking about how others have contributed good to my life? How can I fail to understand the gift of each day as I experience life’s small pleasures? How can we not feel a sense of abundance when we take a few moments to think about the beauty and wonder that surrounds us?  Thank you Lord for the gift of this day, help me learn better how to walk with you in it.