What is your mind focused on? What do you dwell on when your thoughts tend to wander? Do you focus on your own abilities and ideas? It is easy to get caught up in our own capabilities and measure our self worth on our own perceptions or others’ input. But God calls us to fix our minds on things above. If we dwell on His excellence and glory, we are able to move mountains. Philippians 4:8 beckons us to ponder on thoughts that are true, honorable, worthy of respect, right, confirmed by God’s word, pure, wholesome, lovely, peaceful, admirable, of good repute, excellent and worthy of praise. We are to continually think of these things and center our minds and hearts on them.
When you reminisce about the past, are you filled with regret or hope for the future? God is always doing something new, so don’t get caught up in what could have been. Fix your mind on what’s ahead. Yes, learn from the past, but don’t get discouraged or compare your current circumstances to what was. Be thankful for what the Lord has brought you through and hopeful for what is to come.
It is so easy to get distracted. So many things bombard us for our attention. But we have a choice. We can change our focus to what is commendable and worthwhile. It is a choice though. We have to consciously set our mind on heavenly things. When we think about what God is capable of - His omnipotent traits, then we will be filled with peace and hope. So don’t get bogged down by your problems or the mundane. Forget what lies behind but strain forward for what is ahead. Press forward towards his goal. Empty your mind. Clear space for what God has for you. Know that you have a heavenly calling. You are bound for beautiful and marvelous things. Keep your focus on the heavenly prize that awaits you, when you are finished running this race.
About the Author
Mollie is recently married to her wonderful husband Dustin. She is a Wound Care RN at McKenzie Willamette Hospital. She enjoys being creative, getting outdoors and spending time with friends and family.