Each morning, before heading into work, I arrive five to ten minutes early and just dwell in my car. Often I listen to meditations on different scriptures to center my mind and heart on the word of God. However, one morning, I felt drawn to one song and made it my prayer. It starts off recognizing that Christ has torn the veil and enabled any place to be a thin place. A place where we can commune with Him. I pleaded with God that throughout the day He would make my work environment a thin place. That He would be very present in the clinic rooms, nurses station, break room, offices, etc. He did indeed make that place a sacred space that day. After work, I was given that opportunity to share my testimony with one of my coworkers and ask if she needed prayer. I prayed with her and was reminded that the Holy Spirit was interceding on our behalf.
After that day, He has emphasized that any place can be holy ground as He abides in me and I can meet with Him anywhere. He is never far away. In Psalms 84, He reminds us that His dwelling places are lovely and that we should long and greatly desire to be in His courts. In His presence we find strength for the day and hope for tomorrow. He makes our hearts highways to Zion. We are blessed and greatly favored when we trust in Him, rely on Him, commit our ways to Him, and have confident hope and expectation in Him.
Thin Place
This is a thin place
This is where You meet with us
This is sacred space
This is where You meet with us
Holy ground
We are standing on
Holy ground
Just by being here with You
You are never far away
Mountain high or darkest day
Deep in doubt or filled with faith
You walk with us along the way
This is where You meet with us
This is where You meet with us
This is where You meet with us
This is where You meet with us
This is where You meet with us
We love being here with You
We love being here with You
This is a photo of a piece of artwork I created after listening to this song and being inspired by the Holy Spirit.
About the Author
Mollie is recently married to her wonderful husband Dustin. She is a Wound Care RN at McKenzie Willamette Hospital. She enjoys being creative, getting outdoors and spending time with friends and family.