Community Prayer Guide | December 2020

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

Community Prayer Guide December 2020

“The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel
– which means, ‘God with us.’”
Matthew 1:23

Pray for God’s people to have overflowing hope and vision for the future.
Pray for local Jesus-followers to be salt, light and ambassadors of peace.
Pray for God’s power to provide wisdom and direction for pastors and ministry leaders.

Students: that they would have hope, focus and the ability to learn at home.
Families: for grace and understanding as they interact together and with their schools.
Teachers: for peace and grace to balance their workload, student needs and their home life.
Connections: for vulnerable students (who have yet to connect with their school) to connect with schools, caring adults, and the resources they need.

Pray for God to give wisdom to the county’s Equity & Access Advisory Board.
Pray for county, city, business and non-profit leaders to work collaboratively for greater fruitfulness.
Pray for the fruitful implementation of the “homeless systems transformation,” and for wisdom to guide the community’s efforts for youth emergency housing.

Pray for local business leaders to have a healthy work/life balance: personal health, family relationships, etc.
Pray for local business leaders to have perseverance, wisdom and hope to navigate this season.
Pray for local businesses to rebuild, rehire employees, and become profitable again.
Pray for the local “workplace:” encouragement, good morale and healthy productivity.

“We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers.”
1 Thessalonians 1:2

“The Lord reigns, let the nations tremble; he sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake.”
Psalm 99:1

Pray for Jesus-following artists to connect with other artists and remain encouraged and creative.
Pray for God's wisdom and provision over local theaters & galleries; for peace & safety when venues reopen.
Pray for the Lord’s blessing and the Holy Spirit to minister through every artistic Christmas expression.

Pray for the holiday season in families: reconciliation, good conversations, and God’s peace.
Pray for families as they engage a unique school season: God’s guidance, strength, and peace.
Pray for God to strengthen marriages with joy, agape love, and good communication.
Pray for families to engage in healthy activities, relationships and resources that strengthen them.

Health Care
Pray for God to provide a safe vaccine and other effective treatment for COVID-19.
Pray for protection and resilience for health care providers (HCPs) and their families.
Pray for HCPs to have God’s wisdom, strength, perseverance and good health.
Pray for HCPs to be advocates and provide access to health care for vulnerable populations.
Pray for HCPs to be empowered to care for those struggling with mental illness and suicide.

Police and Fire Departments
Pray for the encouragement, wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for our community to have accurate knowledge, confidence and peace about how local law enforcement operates with higher standards and different policies (as compared to other cities).
Pray that all First Responders will be “ambassadors of peace,” bringing peace to every situation.
Pray for more first responders to be hired and for those hired to be of noble character.

Pray for hope-filled stories to be highlighted in all local media.
Pray for genuine God-transformation stories to be broadcasted and celebrated locally.
Pray for our local news outlets to have clear vision to bring accurate reporting through all types of media.

Pray for the Lord’s strategies for all who oversee youth sports: Kid Sports, YMCA, and others.
Pray for the Lord’s presence to be upon all of UO athletics, revealing the eternal hope we have in Jesus.
Pray for God’s guidance for high school/college athletic programs, as they decide how and when to compete.

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”
1 John 3:16

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