Community Prayer Guide | April 2019

Each month we receive an updated Community Prayer Guide from One Hope ministry network that helps the church draw near to God and pray for various areas of our city life together. We invite you to take time to join hundreds of people who are praying each month for 10 strategic areas that shape our community's culture.

One Church - One Day Community Prayer April 2019

“For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.” 1 Cor. 15:3-4

Pray for all local people to be drawn to Jesus & Easter Gospel presentations. Pray they connect with churches.
Pray for the Lord’s anointing upon all the pre-Easter and post-Easter efforts to reach new people.
Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to be poured out on every Gospel proclamation in our community.
Pray for churches to be equipped to function as healing communities for those struggling with mental illness.

Pray for schools to wisely allocate funds to alleviate teacher burnout from large classes & lack of supports.
Pray for administrators & church partners to support teachers & boost their morale with tangible actions.
Pray for Christian students, teachers, and staff to live their faith fully at school, not compartmentalized
between sacred and secular. Pray they wisely walk in the Spirit, making the most of every opportunity.
Pray for our college campuses to increasingly support Christianity as one of many faiths to be explored.
Pray the truth would shine with clarity and appeal to reason.

Pray that our identity in Christ will be the foundation of our lives and in all of our family relationships.
Pray for the cycle of divorce to end:
Pray for couples to choose to fight for their marriages and their children's stability and security.
Pray for God to heal and restore broken relationships.
Pray for children affected by divorce to be healed and have healthy relationships.
Pray for fathers to take their critical, God-given servant leadership role at home and in the Church.
Pray for foster families to be supported and thrive: for community to come around them and for organizations who serve vulnerable families to be strengthened.

Pray for the Lord’s shalom in our community narrative and public discourse.
Pray for community harmony, support and funding for the new county courthouse development.
Pray for God’s wisdom, love and direction to be upon all of our government leaders and their families.
Pray for synergy among non-profits, government & the Church to keep youth housed, in school and thriving.
Pray for the implementation of the TAC Report (Technical Assistance Collaborative) - a comprehensive
city/county strategic plan to house the unhoused:
Pray for clear understanding, community support & provision.

Thank the Lord for continued low unemployment, economic development, and prosperity in our community.
Pray for healthy & prosperous wealth development that advances the Lord’s purposes in our community.
Pray for positive, encouraging & supportive relationships among our business, government & faith sectors.
Pray for government and business leaders to have God’s wisdom to create plans that encourage new
businesses/jobs to be developed and established in our community.

Pray for the director, producers and actors of Radio Redux: health, salvation & direction for the next season.
Pray for God to empower Jesus-following local artists as they create three large public murals.
Pray for Christian writers to be inspired, follow through & create clear positive messages that are published.
Pray for provision for the Arts in our local schools: interest, inspiration, personnel and finances.
Pray for God to guide the leadership of the Cuthbert Amphitheater as they select artists to perform.

Health Care
Pray for Emergency Room personnel to have strength, perseverance & resources for critical care.
Pray for health care leaders to have wisdom to oversee effective treatments for addictions.
Pray for those treating addictions to be empowered and refreshed from “compassion fatigue.”
Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to lead those who are addicted to follow Jesus.
Pray God uses health workers, teachers, parents & friends to bring hope, healing & rescue to those dealing
with suicidal thoughts.

Police and Fire Departments
Pray for the wisdom, peace and safety of those serving in our police and fire departments.
Pray for the creation of a multi-agency effort to stop narcotic distribution in our community:
Pray for funding, people, and for God to expose everywhere illegal distribution is happening.
Pray for “dispatch coordination” between agencies to operate with greater wisdom & collaboration.
Pray for a Mental Health Crisis Center to be established (a necessity according to first responders & civic leaders).
Pray for our local police, sheriff and fire departments to be fully staffed by men & women of noble character.

Pray for God’s hand to guide all the employees of the Register Guard.
Pray for local TV news teams to report relevant and value-infused stories for community strengthening.
Pray for local media leaders to have God’s vision and wisdom to lead our local media organizations.
Pray for truthful, fair and accurate reporting in all areas of local media.

Pray for safety, protection and peace over every public sporting event.
Pray for the Lord’s blessing to be on all of Fellowship of Christian Athlete’s efforts in local schools.
Pray for God’s guidance in all local preparations for the 2021 World Track and Field Championships.
Pray for better training for youth coaches, and for more quality coaches to serve long-term.

Find answers to prayer on our website: