We all know the feeling, right? You do your best. You pour your heart and efforts into something, and there seems to be an elephant in the room. It’s that dreaded feeling that follows you – close, but not close enough. I’ve noticed this even when I’m getting good feedback from others, be they authorities or my friends, family or workmates. Why in the world are we so sabotaged this way? Sometimes the harder we try, the worse it seems to get.
We are all conditioned by our experiences and, as Brené Brown alludes to, our past shame. And I believe the biggest thing that trips us up is the evil we don’t talk about – comparison. You may be doing a good job, but here come those thoughts, “Just look at them. I will NEVER be as gifted or creative.” We make those awful assumptions, but we don’t see their failures or the hidden back stories. And, the irony is, they are probably secretly making the same assumptions about you. Yes, others are likely admiring YOU for your talents and efforts. They just haven’t told you yet.
I look at the members of CitySalt Church, and I see an amazing group of people. I greatly admire all of you for what you bring to us City Saltines. By just being the way you are, you teach us all so many things – how to be compassionate, to hold back our snap judgements, to focus on people first, and issues second. And how to love. So many unique points of view, so many ways of showing us God.
Please, let’s practice being the body of Christ that God needs us to be, each with our own amazing gifts to share. If the Enneagram has taught me anything, it’s that every one of us has our own perfect and unique value. Do not let the enemy lie to you about your identity and your efforts. You are not merely good enough, you are personally stellar.
Let’s all take stock in what we bring, exhale and move about comfortably in that. It would be such a shame to withhold our gifts.