Compassion First - Special Guests

Listen along to our guests Mike Mercer and Winda Winowatan from Compassion First (CF).

Compassion First is a front-line Christian relief agency providing long-term, hope-filled solutions for survivors of sexual exploitation, while actively participating in the broader effort to fight and end human trafficking.  being a close friend of Pastor Dusty, Mike is a Foursquare minister and the Founder and President of CF and is based in Beaverton, Oregon. Winda is the Executive Director of CF operations in Indonesia and oversees the aftercare work of Sarah’s House based in Manado. Sarah’s House is a secure facility that is a joy-filled and loving home environment with exceptional staff who provide complete physical, emotional, and spiritual care for resident clients.

Pastor Dusty has been asked to join Mike on a trip to Indonesia in November 2015 to facilitate a SoulCare and Personality workshop as part of a staff development retreat in Manado. To learn more about the ministry of Compassion First you can visit them online at