Centering on Jesus | Authority by Mike D’Eliso

“All authority on heaven and earth has been given to me.” Jesus begins the great commission before ascending to the heavens. What does this authority look like? What does that mean for us today as Jesus’s followers? As we continue our Centering on Jesus Series, join Pastor Mike as we unpack 9 intentionally woven stories of Jesus’s authority.

Centering on Jesus | His Mission by Mike D’Eliso

Before Jesus did so many of His miracles and shared many of His famous parables, His ministry was set off with His baptism, testing in the wilderness, and then declaring in His hometown synagogue the mission of His ministry from Isaiah 61. As we continue our Centering on Jesus Series, join Pastor Mike as we unpack the onset of Jesus’s ministry and explore ways this impacts the call on our lives today.

Living Right Side Up with Change by Dusty Johnson

Listen along with Pastor Dusty as he breaks from our sermon series to share a special and timely message on his heart about navigating change and transition. While we certainly are facing a major change as a congregation, we also have many changes in our lives outside of CitySalt as well. How can we posture ourselves to grow and transition with these changes around us?

Genesis Mirrors | The Complicated Relationship of Jacob and God by Mike D’Eliso

In Genesis 32 Jacob wrestles with God. He is then is given a new name, a blessing and a limp, but doesn't seem to go by this new name until chapter 35 when he is renamed by God a second time. Join us as Pastor Mike dives into the character of Jacob as we continue our Genesis Mirrors Series exploring the Genesis stories and what they reflect about humanity, God, and ourselves.

Genesis Mirrors | Jacob and Esau by Dusty Johnson

As we continue our series from the book of Genesis exploring the main characters and stories as mirrors for our lives, join Pastor Dusty as he wrestles with the complicated character of Jacob. Despite his swindling and complicated relationship with his brother, Esau, God is continually faithful and full of grace allowing the free will of His people.

“How to Love America” by John Rice

On Independence Day, 2021, many of us might have looked back on the turmoil we Americans experienced in 2020 on many fronts and questioned what it means to love America. Pastor John took note of the extremes: either idolizing everything about America (nothing needs to change, we are the best) or criticizing everything about it (everything about our history and our social structure is wrong and needs to change.) But extremes usually indicate a blindness to the other side. With God as our Center and our Lord, we have a better chance of putting things in a perspective that allows us to both love things about our country and criticize the wrongs at the same time. It’s not an “either/or” situation but a “both/and” one.

"Jesus Sees Outsiders" by Mike D Eliso

Listen along as Pastor Mike begins a new series called “Experiencing Jesus” as we look at various gospel encounters Jesus had with people. This particular message draws our attention to how Jesus sees and engages those who seem to be outsiders and often overlooked by those gathered. May we be encouraged to have the eyes and heart of Jesus for those on the margins or seem to be outsiders.

February BTS Interview | Eric and Suzanne Green

Listen along as Pastor Dusty and Julia have a conversation with Eric and Suzanne Green that addressed how people of color often experience something different than those with white skin. Their stories help us grow in our awareness and compassion for those who are regularly impacted simply by the color of their skin.

Eric and Suzanne are pastors at The Father’s House in Eugene and personal friends of Dusty and Julia. They have been married for 39 years, and they are proud parents of four adult kids and grandparents of three. They have been in vocational ministry for more than 25 years in many capacities, as church planters, worship leaders, missionaries, and pastors. By God’s grace, they continue to serve, and they are looking forward to many years of fruitful ministry in the future.

"Love Your Enemies" by John Rice

Listen along to Pastor John as he brings this message that challenges us to grow in our awareness and maturity as we consider the gospel of Christ through the lens of Black History in the United States. He tells two stories and shares a portion of a sermon by Martin Luther King Jr. that is anchored in Matthew 5:43-48.

As part of this message, Pastor John shares this youtube clip from Martin Luther King Jr. titled, “Love Your Enemies”

"Jesus For All" by Dusty Johnson

Listen along as Pastor Dusty shares this message touching on God’s vision for every nation, tribe, people and tongue from Revelation 7:9. He discusses his recent journey and discovery of racial tension and the polarizing impact of our American Christian culture that can feel in opposition to the life of faith for many Christ-followers.

In this message Dusty references two resources during his talk…

  1. A video clip from Intervarsity Press that highlights the book, White Awake by Daniel Hill

  2. Reads from an essay by Michael Frost called Colin Kaepernick vs. Tim Tebow: Christianity on its knees that was published in The Washington Post.