When and where is the service? 

Same time from 4:00-5:30pm. At the Box: 661 E 19th Ave. [Directions]

At CitySalt we have always sat at round tables instead of rows of seats. We want to see each other, connect, and interact. We’ll get a little extra of this over the summer!

The big idea

This summer we will be combining together our kids and adults for a summer of intergenerational worship and spiritual development. This will be an intentional change specifically for this summer.

What do you mean by intergenerational and why are we doing this?


relating to, involving, or affecting several generations.

All kids and all adults worshiping, praying, learning, spiritually maturing, connecting, and growing in Jesus together. While yes, age-appropriate lessons and time with peers is important, what is generally lacking in our modern church context is ministry across generations!

Worshiping together is a blessing to all. Resisting the tendency to silo apart is not only valuable for our kids but also for our adults (of all stages of life). We’re all given the opportunity to increase our ability to develop a range of diverse relationships within the church, build resilience, and lay a foundation of a more enduring “sticky” faith. This modeled Christian community helps kids to honestly see their faith enacted in real-life people whom they know. Not just youth pastors and Sunday school teachers, but a whole church! They see their faith as rooted in the broader Christian community and broader Christian history. Not to mention, we adults will do well to experience the range of learning styles that our kid's ministry is familiar with exploring.

What will a Sunday Service look like?

We will sing together, pray together, and learn together. There will be some, but less, up-front instruction, and more connection at the tables, more embodied worship, more tactile engagement, and more communal sharing. 

Guided by the structure of the kids’ curriculum, Together we will all go through the book of Psalms. Our Series is called “Psalms Together”. We’ll explore the range of emotions expressed and the styles of prayers of God’s people in ancient Israel’s hymn book. Then intertwining all of this will be a collaborative art piece for our sanctuary. 

Additionally, sprinkled throughout the summer we will also interview congregation members about their life journey with Jesus, obstacles they’ve navigated, and life decisions the Lord has been faithful through.

Per the kids’ request there will be snacks available midway through the service.

How long are we going to do this?

All Summer from mid-June to the end of August 2024.

Have questions, contact us at info@citysalt.org or (541) 632-4182.