"Compassion First" by Mike Mercer

This past Sunday, CitySalt Church had the pleasure of hearing an inspirational word from Mike Mercer—Foursquare minister and founder and President of Compassion First—on behalf of Compassion First. Compassion First is a front-line Christian agency providing solutions for survivors of child sexual trafficking in Indonesia and the many families who are positively impacted by the Gospel message of Jesus. To find out more Compassion First, you may visit compassion first.org

"A New Season" by Isaac Komolafe

This past Sunday, CitySalt Church had the pleasure of hearing a word from Pastor Isaac Komolafe—District Overseer for the Foursquare Church in Nigeria-- on the subject of Pentecost and the newness that comes with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He is convinced that God’s power is in every believer that has accepted Jesus’ spirit into their hearts.

As he has witnessed the miracles of God in his life and ministry through the building of water wells that bring villages in Northern Nigeria fresh water, he recognizes the “living water of the gospel”.  He chose to share an inspirational message that challenges believers new and old to embrace seven testaments of the Holy Spirit at work in those who have invited the Holy Spirit into their lives:

1. Power and boldness to witness
2. Fresh understanding of the Word of God

3. Fills our hearts with true worship
4. Power in prayer
5. Produces Fruit
6. Bind the brokenhearted (hope to the hopeless)
7. Introduces the supernatural

Feel free to read more of his sermon to follow along with this unique and very timely message of newness by opening the file below. 

Click here to open document.




"Transition Vulnerabilities" by Dusty Johnson

Listen along as Pastor Dusty identifies and normalizes the uncomfortable, yet necessary process that leads us into new dimensions of awareness and growth. Whether we are talking about our relationship with God, others or self, there are various upheavals that lead us into greater transformation and resurrection life in Christ as we surrender to the vulnerabilities that come with seasons of change.

"New Beginnings" by Dusty Johnson

Listen along as Pastor Dusty attempts to normalize some of the difficult and awkward steps that often lead us to various new beginnings. Similar to the Resurrection Sunday, we will sometimes need to navigate seasons that involve "Necessary Endings" and "Awkward In-Betweens" while waiting for "New Beginnings."

This message includes an interview with Daniel and Tenisha Tinsely, who recently relocated from Georgia to Eugene. Tenisha is now serving as Administrative Assistant for CitySalt Church as of April 2016.

"Fear Factor" by Dusty Johnson

Listen along as Pastor Dusty addresses the topic of fear that is often an opposing force to our faith and trust in God. If we are honest, fear is a motivating factor in our lives. Just not the best one. Learning to recognize the many faces of fear can help us acknowledge them, admit them and work to overcome them so that unsubstantiated fears, worries and anxieties are no longer able to limit our potential. 

"Unity & Maturity" by Dusty Johnson

Listen along as Pastor Dusty brings this message focusing on the role of unity in maturing us as disciples of Jesus. This message was preparation to bring the congregation to the Lord's Table and included a reading from Jesus' prayer in John chapter 17. This message also included a video segment that is a creative rendering called The Fall that depicts the early Genesis account of Adam and Eve. 

"Encouragements for Exiles" by Dusty Johnson

Listen along as Pastor Dusty brings this timely challenge for how we can live and thrive even when experiencing seasons of exile. When we don't feel 'at home' with our culture, environment, workplace or even a relationship, the words of Jeremiah 29:4-8 are an important perspective to remember as we let God be God and we simple trust Him.

Jeremiah 29:4-8 New International Version (NIV)
4 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon:  5 “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. 6 Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. 7 Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” 8 Yes, this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: “Do not let the prophets and diviners among you deceive you. Do not listen to the dreams you encourage them to have.