15th Night feeds at risk youth and unhoused teens. Help us provide dinner for 30-40 youth!
Two specific ways you can help:
Provide a burrito ingredient, and/or join the burrito making party
Give to our Homeless Youth Meal Outreach Fund (Click to Give)*
We’ll meet to build burritos for our 15th Night students at The Box Sunday at 3:00pm. The burritos will be delivered to 15th Night for their Tuesday event.
Team meal prep takes approximately a half hour to 45 minutes.
For those who can provide an ingredient or help make burritos contact JoVone Kettwig at 541-954-7339, or at jvkettwig@comcast.net.
To learn more about 15th Night visit 15thnight.org/
*Select Homeless Youth | Meal Outreach from the drop down menu.