Hungry for intentional connection with God and others?
We invite you explore Group Spiritual Direction through a model and format we like to call Triads.
Spiritual Direction Triads are simply three individuals meeting together to seek God’s guidance and input in their lives. It’s also an opportunity to support one another in our desire to grow and mature in our faith. We believe the Spirit speaks with inspiration, conviction, courage, discernment, and wisdom. This model prompts us to take time to slow down, listen up, and press into a dynamic way of relating with God.
The Triad model for group spiritual directions provides a format that we believe can inspire a group of three friends to gather on an ongoing basis to engage in this spiritual practice.
Need more clarity? Here a couple definitions that might help...
Spiritual Direction ld be defined as one person walking along side another in their spiritual journey toward growth, health and maturity
Triads are basically a model of taking the components of Spiritual Direction and practicing them in small group of three. The format allows for all three individuals to have a dedicated time set apart to hear what God wants to speak into their lives. It also has the side benefit of drawing people closer together in support of one another
Triad Roles help define the function of each person during a Triad session together. These are meant to rotate to each person in the Triad throughout the designated time together.
Director - This role helps by listening to the Directee (person sharing) and facilitating a segment of the Triad session.
Directee - This role is the person who will be sharing while the other two people are listening
Timekeeper - This role supports the group by keeping a timer and ensuring efficient use of the designated time for the Triad session.
To learn more about Triads look for upcoming workshops or you may contact John Rice Rice by email at
Sample Triad Format (Based on 60 minutes)
The goal for the Triad is that all three members will take turns being the Directee (the person sharing), the Director (the person facilitating) and the Timekeeper (the person keeping the group on track).
Each person will direct the person on the right, moving around the group counter-clockwise. The person who is the Director or Directee will serve as the Timekeeper. The following format will be used with each person (20 minutes each). Download a .pdf version of the overview and format.
1. Transition - Time of silence to quiet your heart and transition – 1 minutes
2. Directee Presents – Brings an issue/concern to share with the group – 6 minutes
3. Clarifying Questions – 2 minutes
a. Questions are only meant to clarify to ensure you heard the Directee correctly and understand what they said.
b. If there are no questions, move right into silent listening to Holy Spirit.
4. Silent Listening – 2 minutes Focus on what you sense Holy Spirit is doing in the Directee and what God is saying to you personally on their behalf.
5. Reflective Listening – group shares what was heard – 6 minutes
a. The Director will lead sharing time, often asking the Directee how they want to proceed.
b. Focus on good reflection.
c. Focus on good questions that invite the Directee to explore further (rather than interpreting or leading the Directee.
d. Learn to become comfortable with silence when not sure what to say or how to respond.
6. Directee Debrief – reflects on the experience – 3 minutes
a. Describe what was helpful.
b. Be gentle, yet honest if some responses were not helpful. This is learning to hear and be sensitive to one other and Holy Spirit.
7. Prayer (optional) – though the whole session is viewed as a time of listening and talking with God, some groups choose to close with a prayer for each person.
8. Repeat For Next Person - Repeat for next Directee until all three persons have had a turn.
““People who have never developed a deep personal knowing of God will be limited in the depth of their personal knowing of themselves. Failing to know God, they will be unable to know themselves, as God is the only context in which their being makes sense. Similarly, people who are afraid to look deeply at themselves will of course be equally afraid to look deeply at God. For such persons, ideas about God provide a substitute for direct experience of God. Knowing God and knowing self are therefore interdependent. Neither can proceed very far without the other. Paradoxically, we come to know God best not by looking at God exclusively, but by looking at God and then looking at ourselves-then looking at God, and then again looking at ourselves. This is also the way we best come to know our selves. Both God and self are mostly fully known in relationship to each other.””
““The longer I live, the more of my own darkness I see. It doesn’t mean I’m growing worse, but I’m seeing more. I’m grateful to be seeing myself in the context of God’s accepting, healing love.””
“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”