Sunday Night Service Time is Changing Beginning This Sunday, November 5th!
What is the proposed change?
Service time is changing from 5:30-7:00pm to 4:00-5:30pm.
Why Make the Change?
The 5:30pm time slot conflicts with many rhythms of our congregation's (and visitors') lives. Since moving to the Box in 2016 CitySalt has enjoyed unique opportunities that have revealed themselves by hosting evening services compared to the traditional Sunday-morning church service. We DO NOT WANT TO LOSE THIS DISTINCTION!
The hope in moving from a 5:30pm start time to a 4:00pm start is that it will help practically support households AND create more opportunities for natural community building.
Practically, families with children can attend to bedtimes, those who don’t see well at night will not need to drive in the dark as often, and professionals can prepare for Monday morning. Not to mention, we can all eat dinner at a reasonable time, especially for the occasional after-church potluck!
Natural community building is at the heart of all this. It’s no secret that the natural spillover connection is challenging on a dark, wet Eugene winter night. Ideally, wrapping up at 5:30 would create a natural time window to get dinner, dessert, or a beverage after service with one another after service!
Furthermore, the occasional after-church potluck/event could happen at a regular mealtime!
When would we be making this change?
We are making change the Sunday Daylight Savings time ends, which is November 5, 2023. This seems like the most natural time to make this sort of change. It is already worked into the rhythm of our greater society. We get to join in.
Will we change back in the spring?
Perhaps. That would be Sunday, March 10, 2024. From November to March is a good amount of time to give this shift a try. CitySalt Staff and Council would love to hear everyone's thoughts about this!
Any other changes to our Sunday services?
We do enjoy changing up our “liturgy” from time to time with special services. The norm of gathering to pray together, sing together, think together, and enjoy one another’s company will remain the same, just pushed forward an hour and a half to start at 4:00pm.
What happens if I arrive late?
Grace upon grace. Come in when you get here. Everyone will be just as happy to see you and we might have a chuckle together about getting used to the change in service time. No judgment.
Have questions or feedback, contact us at or (541) 632-4182.