Clean Water for Nigeria
The Gift of Clean Water
Throughout the month of December we are giving a Christmas gift to the Foursquare Church in Nigeria through our Advent Conspiracy focus. We aim to Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More and Love All as we tangibly raise money to build water wells in Northern Nigeria. Through our Global Foursquare family we have the privilege of supporting the outreach efforts of sister churches in this region—as they build deep wells that allow fresh water to be distributed at no cost to the indigenous population, while at the same time bringing a message of hope in Christ.
The cost of each well is approximately $9,000. We are join with East Hill Church in Gresham, Oregon and, together, hope to provide the resources necessary continue providing "living water" to villages in Northern Nigeria.
Our Foursquare Connection to Nigeria
Our Foursquare connection begins with missionary Bill Keiselhorst, who first met African native, Isaac Komolafe (Komo-LA-FAY) in 1987. In 1990, Pastor Isaac’s church was scattered—as it was made up of construction workers who were all reassigned to the outer edges of Abuja. Isaac jumped on his motorcycle and set out to find each family…When he did, he discovered there were no churches anywhere in the area! The workers asked Isaac to send them pastors, but he had none to send. So, he told them to start their own churches…which they did! All were reluctant missionaries, but—because of their faith and obedience—Abuja went from having one church to about 15 in just a six-month period of time! Isaac and Bill started monthly training sessions with these new (concrete-worker) pastors shortly after that. Now, 15 years later, each of these “little” churches have between 1,000-3,000 congregants, and over 200 churches have been planted in this region! Each one continues to multiply, and is reaching new language groups that have—until now—been largely unexposed to the Gospel.
Isaac now serves as the Foursquare overseer of the entire northern part of Nigeria, which is comprised of about 10 districts and 300-400 churches, in total. He is based in the capital city of Abuja, and is considered to be an apostolic leader—with the gift of reaching indigenous leaders and helping them to multiply churches, particularly in villages that have never been exposed to the Gospel. Bill presently serves as the North Pacific District Missions Connection and is based in Portland, Oregon. He advises and supports Isaac’s ministry by networking churches in Oregon for this ministry outreach.
Why water wells?
Insufficient rain and lack of irrigation have caused tribal conflict over water and grazing land.
Health Concerns—75% of disease is water-borne.
Evangelistic Influence—Water wells are placed strategically in villages that have a strong Foursquare church and multiple surrounding church plants.
Lasting Contribution—Wells are drilled at about 200 feet, which provides a clean water supply all year long.
Local Economy Booster—Wells are drilled by a local expert who is an engineer, geologist and hydrologist. Using local wisdom and labor supports and encourages the local economy.
History/Cost for Wells
The first well was drilled in 2010
Seven wells have been drilled to-date.
Each well costs about $9,000 (USD)
SouthHills Church has given over $8,500 to-date
About Nigeria
Islam is the predominant religion in the northern part of the country.
Each tribe is like a different nation. Travel 75-90 miles, in any direction, and you will find villages and tribes that speak entirely different languages.
There is a very small western population in this region—mostly missionaries and development workers.
With missions work and church planting has also come: medical help, education, water and village health projects.
The north is about 30 years behind the south in development, so this is a strong avenue for contact evangelism and church planting…
The people of this area are the ones we are seeking to help (in strategic ways, under Isaac’s leadership).
The Outreach Plan
Engage populations in their native languages, bringing assistance in the areas of farming, clean water, medical projects and education.
One-on-one Evangelism, and/or the “Jesus Film”.
Native evangelist-led Bible discussion groups, using solar-powered digital recorders (proclaimers), translating the NIV into native tongue.
Find indigenous pastors some form of income (most pastors must continue to farm).